
Someone give me fish ideas =]

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I have been answering everyone's questions today on fish and what not. I really want to start another fresh water tank, but I also really want to do a salt water tank. I may do either or, so I really want you guys to give me some ideas on freshwater and saltwater fish that you like. Everyone's opinion counts. Thanks! =]

Don't say "A shark" please.




  1. for a saltwater tank-Green Mandarin ,clown fish,and a Flame Angelfish

    and for a fresh water tank i personally like the African Cichlids

  2. One word  Puffers...

    Puffers are somewhat hardy and do best in species tanks but Ive had luck with Scat's as well. (garbage fish)

  3. I've maintained a reef tank.  For me the corals were more fun than the fish itself.

    Maintenance of a reef tank requires selecting "reef safe" fish.  Ones that won't eat your expensive coral.  

    I don't have a full list of such fish, but I had clown fish and damself fish to name a few.

    Anemones add interest to the total.

  4. If you go saltwater just make sure you have made out a budget as

    a fresh water tank you can wip up but a saltwater takes atleast $700 no matter the size to do right (reef).

    NO matter your choice enjoy!!!!

    I just set up a short nosed elephant nose tank. They look like school of dolphins.

    For salt water tanks the bottom dwellers make me laugh.

    Yellow watchman gobies constantly move all your argonite around and yellow head jawfish have so much personality its unreal.

    Put down 4-6 inches of argonite and buy 6-8 pf these guys and they burrow like golphers.

    But the nice thing is even one is awesome. Would nevrr have a saltwater tank w/o one.

    Looks what it takes to set up a reef and go from there.

    good luck!!!!

  5. for fresh water you could have:

    angel fish



    beta fish

    or a

    oscar fish

    for salt water you could have:

    clown fish

    puffer fish


    differnt kinds of parrotfish




    or a

    gobby (which is one of my fav.)

    hope this helps!

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