
Someone help,,,,,,,,,,,its kind of a bully issue! PLEASE =[?

by  |  earlier

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ok i always panic if somone says to me

'im gonna t**t you' or like eg they threten to attack you.

and i havent been theretend yet but im panicing incase i do!

so how could i stop not that hard im a wimp lol.




  1. the best thing you can do is ignore them but if it does get worse then tell someone of greater superior (someone like an adult). i have experienced bullying myself and i know that it isnt very nice, but i also had no one to talk to at that time.


  2. What you fear you attract. Your fear gives bullies the sense of power & this boosts the idiots lack of self esteem....makes them feel noticed.

    Your job is to be true to yourself & stop feeding into this idiocy.

    Think, say, do & behave only from respect for others & you earn the right for no-one to bully you.

  3. don't worry about that tell an adult cramp nowa days that c**p doesn't work well. what you need to do is get a strong man.

  4. Maybe you should find a strong boyfriend to hang around with.

  5. dont let it get to 33 and hate any kind of violence.just walk away if it ever will always come across bullies but its rare to just be attacked for no reason although this does happen.stay in a group.

  6. just be nice to everyone you meet and if someone wants to fight then say no or tell someone like a parent or teacher. being a snitch iz a lot  better then gettin beat up.

  7. Don't worry about it unless it happens. If it does, make sure you tell an adult.

    Live your life like normal - you wont have as much fun if you're always worried

  8. Kick their rear ends in if they do. And if they're strong... bring friends and tell an adult after. DOUBLE WAMMY!!!!!!!! Lol

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