
Someone help? Teenage angst?

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I'm 17. I really really think that I'm growing up too fast. I feel that I'm better (and smarter) than all my friends. I feel like none of my friends can ever understand me because they are too shallow. I am selfish, I admit. I am alone most of the time. I've recently discovered the miracles of alcohol and nicotine. I don't associate "bad" with these substances. I know they're harmful, but so what? I don't want to die all wrinkly and useless. I want to squeeze life to the pulp, and I'm worried that the time will come when there's nothing too discover anymore. And I'm gonna be bored to death. I think religion is a waste of time, I don't believe in God. I listen to music 24/7, and I want to defy all societal rules.

Someone please tell me that this is just a phase and It'll soon pass.




  1. Relax,  you are just fine.  I know many people that are in the same boat that you are.  There's nothing wrong with you at all!  Your opinion on things may change as you grow older, if not that's alright too.  You sound very educated and creative.  You are a level headed worries!  Good night.....have a great week end.

  2. well i'd like to start by saying your friends may not be as shallow as you think.  sometimes if you just sit down and talk to them you'll realize they actually have a lot of intelligence and plenty of things to say.  i wouldn't say alcohol and nicotine are miracles, and i don't necessarily agree with overuse of either of them, but it sounds as though you may be lonely.  also, i think it's a big mistake to not believe in God.  i promise you He is not nearly as shallow as your friends and always waiting for a good conversation.  

    mostly i think that this can be a phase if you want it to be.  if you don't like yourself right now, then change. easier said than done, i know, but it can be done and if you'll like yourself better for it then it's worth it.

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