
Someone help i think im goin to die?

by  |  earlier

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i woke up at 7:00 and i went to go the bathroom and after im done i o to wash my hands and when i turn on the water i throw up alot of blood and then again i downt know wat to do i keep throwing up blood




  1. ER ASAP.

    God bless.

  2. I suggest you go see a doctor.ASAP

  3. call 911

  4. firstly, go to your local doctor, he or she will give you a diagnosis, and if needed, send you to hospital. Coughing blood it bad, but throwing up blood? Oh, and bring some bags along with you to the doc. Just in case they need a blood test, then you don't have to get the needle : )

    I reckon it might be internal bleeding, in which case GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW, s***w THE DOC.


  6. see a doctor.

    don't worry death is certain and shall come to everyone.

    take good care of ueself and forget about dieing, insted try to live happly till ur last breath.

  7. ask a neighbour to take you to hospital

  8. get to your nearest neighbor ASAP & ask to call 911.

  9. go to the emergancy room. something could be seriously wrong. go asap dont delayy


  11. go to the hospital, people on the internet cant stop it for you.

  12. Blood in vomit or vomiting blood

    Many disorders trigger nausea and vomiting. Here are some common causes — and how to settle your stomach.

    Finding blood in your vomit or actually vomiting blood can be alarming. Promptly identifying the cause is essential.

    Causes are varied

    You may find blood in your vomit for various reasons, including:

        * Ingested blood. If you swallow blood — during a nosebleed, for example — subsequent vomiting may include some of this blood.

        * Prolonged or vigorous vomiting. Vomiting may cause a tear in the small blood vessels of the throat or lower esophagus. This may cause blood to appear in your vomit.

        * Peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach, upper small intestine or esophagus. In addition to feeling a burning pain anywhere from your navel to your breastbone, you may vomit blood that appears either red or dark (like coffee grounds).

        * Internal inflammation. Inflamed tissue in the esophagus (esophagitis), stomach (gastritis) or upper part of the small intestine may cause blood to appear in your vomit.

        * Cancer. Various types of cancer may cause you to vomit blood, especially cancers of the stomach and esophagus.

    Vomiting red blood indicates that the bleeding began shortly before you vomited. If the blood is black or appears dark brown and has the texture of old coffee grounds, the blood has been in your stomach for a longer time.

  13. if its thundering why are you on the computer? be careful if its a laptop unplug it! go to the er, but have a neighbor drive you this is an emergency!!

    p.s. did you o.d. or drink a lot? because that could cause you to throw up blood.

  14. call NHS direct 0845 4647.

  15. God bless you. run to any neighbor. dont panic, this might cause you to get even more sick. God bless you.

  16. Call an ambulance. Seriously thats not normal do not risk something bad happening, just calmy call them now, explain whats happened, and they will come and proberably take you tot he hospital for some checks. I woul risk driving there in case you collapse or anything and crash. I hope it goes ok.

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