
Someone help me, What do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend, well hes not my friend anymore, and he absolutely hates me and doesn't care about me. but the thing is, i still really want to be his friend and i cant even talk to him. heres what happened-

we always fight about stupid stuff. he calls me dumb and he doesn't treat me good at all but its weird how i still want to be his friend, like I'm not letting go. we were at a party and he told me he was going to ask out this one girl and i was like okay cool. and so i asked the girl if she liked him and she was like nooo not at all why? and i told her that he was going to ask her out and she was like please tell him not to, please. and so i did and he got all mad at ME for going in their business when all i did was make sure she liked him or not. and i always try to talk to him but he always says why are u talking to me? and he told me all i was to him was a stick in the mud and it hurt me. but i still kept trying and i tried saying stuff to him so he can know that i care about him but he just keeps treating me badly. so then i was like hay if u dont care about me at all just come out and tell me and ill never talk to you again. he said "do u want me to spell it out for you? i don't care about you" and so I'm trying so hard to completely leave him alone & i don't know what to do.




  1. Sounds like you hurt him more than you realise when you talked to that girl. Boys don't like it when girls say bad things about them (I know that isn't strictly what either of you were doing, but that's the way he SEES it)

    You have two options - give him space and hope he realises that he actually misses your friendship, or try and apologise for going behind his back - this might be the only thing that is bothering him and his mean-ness to you might just have been an attempt to hurt you back.

    I would probably go for the first option and then - once he has had a chance to calm down - maybe you can try talking to him again. The only problem is you said that you wouldn't so by even speaking to him you are kind of breaking another promise - you just have to hope that he wants you to.

  2. you obviously never were his friend, guys arent like girls, when a guy says something he means it. he doesnt like you so leave him alone, and you said "if you care about...blah blah blah" well he doesnt and if you "care about him" you leave him alone

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