
Someone help me make a layout site pleaseee.

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Someone help me make a layout site pleaseee.




  1. first make a profile

    get a site model

    photoshop the pic with the name of your site

    then put scroll box codes in your blog

    the boxes should have codes for layouts

    make previews for your layouts

    then make a w4w w***e 4 w***e

    get at least 300-500

    freinds make credit for your stuff

    and fix ur page nice and myspace w***e like ;D

  2. Before you can create a good website there are things that we must be prepared :

    Determining your goals

    Deciding what your site goals are is the very first step you should take when you create a website. Ask yourself or your client questions about the site. What do you hope to accomplish by having a website? Write down your goals so that you remember them as you go through the design process. Goals help you focus and target your website to your particular needs.

    A website that provides news about a specific subject should have a very different look and navigation than that of a website that sells products. The complexity of your goals will affect the navigation, the authoring tools that you use (Flash, Director, and so on), and even the look and feel of your site.

    Choosing a target audience

    After you have decided what you want to accomplish with your website, you need to decide who you want to visit your site. This may seem to be a silly question, since most people want everyone to visit their website. However, it is difficult to create a website that every single person in the world will be able to use. People use different browsers, connect at different speeds, and may or may not have media plug-ins. All of these factors can affect the use of your site. That is why you need to determine a target audience.

    Think about the people who will be attracted to your website, or who you hope to attract. What kinds of computers do you think they will be using? What platform might be the dominant one (Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and so on)? What is the average connection speed (33.6 Kbps modem or DSL)? What kinds of browsers and monitor sizes will they be using? Are you creating an intranet site where everyone will be using the same computer OS and browser? All of these factors can greatly affect the way your web page appears to visitors.

    Once you choose the audience and have determined what types of computers, connection speeds, and browsers they will be using, you can target your design.

    For example, say your target audience is predominantly made up of Windows users with 17-inch monitors, using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or above. As you design your web page, you should test that your site works best in Internet Explorer on a Windows computer with a screen size of 800 x 600 pixels. Fewer viewers may use Netscape Navigator on a Macintosh platform, but you should still make sure your site works on those machines, although it may not display as precisely as it does for your target audience.

    In fact, there's a lot of things to be prepared just before going to the layout site. But my dear, you can email me...

    Hope this help


  3. Please include some more information on what you need....

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