
Someone help me plz!!!?

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OK so i filled out my FAFSA Application and it was processed and all... but now ive signed in the college website and it says my fafsa was rejected becuase my parents 2007 w2 and taxes are missing. i have to explain to them i live with my mom and she had no income in 07 so she didnt file for taxes. she lived off of savings... would that make me disqualify for financial aid? because my mom has no 07 tax return?




  1. You were probably sent a letter or an email from the schools fin aid office asking for more info and for you to fill out a form.  Usually on the form it asks for taxes, but if you read further there is an option that has you check they did not file taxes has a section that has you indicate that she did not file taxes last year.  You check that box, sign it and fill out anything else and send it back.

  2. If you left these questions blank, the FAFSA processors would reject the application. If the answer to the income questions (I think these are questions 79-83) was zero, you must write "0" in the box.

    It is not absolutely necessary for your mother to file an '07 tax return, but a tax return that shows zero income is effective documentation for your claim that she had no income last year.

    (Are your mom and dad divorced? If you live with your mom, but your mom and dad are not divorced, you would still be required to provide information about your father's income, even if you haven't seen him in years, and he never gives  you any money)

    This is a question that is best addressed with the financial aid office at your school. They can tell you the best way to validate your claim of zero income, and they can also identify any other reasons that your FAFSA form was rejected for processing.

    Good luck!

  3. usually the FAFSA is not rejected, you just have to provide certain documents to your schools financial aide office.  I am not sure how you would deal with this, because it is rare for someone to actually live off of savings for an entire year.  You need to go over to your college and talk to them and explain, be ready to provide your fathers income taxes. I dont believe that it would disqualify you, but you have to talk to the school. They are usually very helpful and knowledgable.

  4. Don't sweat this too much. Let me help you with you.  First thing you need your mom to do is call the IRS at 800-829-0582, use code 4-6-2 when asked for extension. When rep comes on, she needs to request a transcript showing that she did not file taxes for 2007. They can fax it to her if she has a fax, otherwise they will mail it to her. You take this to the fin aid office as proof that she did not have income nor filed. Also you should have some info to give them on how she supported you in 2007. Did relatives help? Did she have a boyfriend who helped? She doesn't need to give his info but only how much help she received. Have a close estimate as you can to give the FA office.  Once they receive this info, the FA office should do a correction to your FAFSA and you should receive an EFC code. With this code, they should be able to tell you how much you qualify in pell grant money.  This year it is up to $4731 for a full time student.  Not everyone qualifies for pell nor the maximum amount. Good luck to you.

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