
Someone help me quick!!

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okay i don't know what is wrong with my ferret but she never wants to play with me and she always bitting me! and when i let her run around my room she always slides under the door and escape and she even dose this whens she in my moms room....and when i put a litter box in her cage she dumps it out and sleeps in it!! she has a big 4 story house and 2 beds!! and today i spent some of my back to school money for clothes on her i spent about 100.00 dollars on toys,treats,beds,and some clothes(she loves wearing them) and yet she still act this way..should i get rid of her??or is there some way to slove this?

p.s before you start saying i spoil her yesterday i got so mad i put her in this medium size cage (it was a bird cage i had from a long time ago) and i put food,water and a bed for her and made her stay in their for the whole night and today i let her back in her big cage....AgHHH WHAT SHOULD I DO??




  1. Maybe shes just needing to be better tamed? Next time you take her out, Use something to make a smaller area, for example the bathroom. Put the plug in the tub and put a block under the door just in case she tries to escape.

    Now is where the "big work" comes in, ha ha. This "big work" is very easy. This is where you get to pet her without being bitten.

    1. Go into your ferrets cage, and bring out her toys, food, and water. Place them in the tub, scatter them about. Make sure that when you leave the room with the toys, the cage door is fastened tightly. Also bring some treats into the room that you will be taking her to.

    2. When taking her out of her cage, talk to her softly and offer a treat. When she comes for the treat, don't let go of it, carefully pick her up. Make sure she feels safe when you pick her up. Hold her for a minute, while she eats the treat. Continue talking to her.

    3. Walk with her carefully into the bathroom. Slowly, fast movements could scare her. When you get into the bathroom. Close the door and replace the item blocking the bottom of the door. Make sure the plugs in the tub(if you are using the bathroom), and put her down.

    4. Keep talking to her. Don't stop. This reassures her that you are safe to be around and wont hurt her. Talk to her about anything. Still try not to make any big sounds or anything. Offer her treats about every 5 to 8  minutes, and each time, gently pat her and talk to her in a soothing voice.

    5. After about 4 tries, when she gets used to you patting her, pick her up carefully, again making sure she feels safe.

    6. Put her back in her cage. Do this at least once a day. Eventually she should be well tamed.

    About the flipping everything in her cage and sleeping in it, does she have a bed to sleep in? Maybe buy her one of those hammocks you can buy for ferrets and put a bit of the shavings in it. Continue putting her pooped and peed on sawdust in her litter box, eventually she will get the idea that the litter box is for going potty not for sleeping.

    Hope this helped!



  2. julie k answer is no doubt the best, please isten to that advice, iv got 6 ferrets all rescued because people didnt want them after exhibiting behavious like yours,all it takes is TIME, i see you invested a lot in her money wise, but animals dont think like us, you should maybe get her another ferret friend.

    my jill likes sleeping in her litter (a wood based kitty litter) i think it might be cos its cooler than the other bed, so all i did was use a gravel litter for her litter box, and put wood litter in her bed, she now uses the bed.

    bunii is also right, you would be cruel to get rid of her cos iv never been bit by a ferret, and they only act like that if they havent got used to you.

    take your time, spend lots of time with her every day,outside her cage, use tinkly sounding toys to ger her to play tug with you. but a ferret on her own will go mad, its cruel unless you let her run outside the cage all the time to interact with people. its the same as if you were kept in a cage and your mom only came to see you a few times a day.not being mean, just trying to get you to underastand.

  3. Don't get rid of her just because she is being a little mean! Thats how SPCA's end up full of neglected animals.

    Work with her, give her treats, and don't worry about the litter box, my Bunny did the same thing.

  4. she might be just aggressive or maybe lonely, ferrets are used to havin companions, try getin her a mate or a friend

  5. well i would try being really nice to her. i dont get why your ferret would be soooo mean when you buy her all that stuff?????where did you get her from???i would just let her be. even though shes mean still you love her right???

    well if you get rid of her ask your parents to get another one thats nicer and is cuter.

    Good luck

  6. im not much of a pet expert, but a grumpy ferret can either mean she's sick or pregnant...u can probably take her to the vet just in case

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