
Someone help me.... what is a good way to hide condoms?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 and have a pack of flavored condoms... but if my mom finds them shell like cut off my boyfriends wang! how can i hide them in a good spot?




  1. under ur desk or beareu idk Good Luck  

  2. i think your mum will love you more for using condoms and coming to her and telling her that you are ready and sexually active but if you not ready to tell your mum then hide them under your carpet if you can find a loose edge or inside your bed or something like that but you really should tell your mum she will love it more you telling her these thing being able to go to her and stuff i did with my mum i thought she would tell me off but she dint she took me to clinic got me on the depo and explained s*x and diseases and things and it was really nice having that bond your mum just says she will do these things but she don't mean it she just wants to keep you as her baby as long as she can trust me she wont be mad if you just tell her  

  3. Possibly in a drawer? Do you have any under your bed? Or boxes with a load of old junk in?

    Why do you have condoms anyway? You're only 15.

  4. Keep them with you in your purse.. (or get one)

  5. Tape them inside the top of your dresser or underneath the dresser, inside a pair of clean socks, tape them behind your headboard or inside your closet door, good luck

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