
Someone hit my vehicle and ran whats going to happen?

by  |  earlier

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I was hit by someone the other day. They hit me and ran I followed them to get them to stop,and to get their licence plate #. I followed for awhile till i realized they wasnt going to stop...they ran like 6 red lights speeding trough town. I went to the police got a police roport, and they gave me her information to file a (warrent) so i did. Now what happens? will she be heald responsible? If anyone has ANY information please let me know.




  1. I'm sorry to hear that.

    If you didn't get any of the license plate number down, then it is unlikely that the police will find the pertetrator.

    It pretty much rests on your insurance policy now and how you are covered for something like this.  Get in touch with your insurance adjuster and find out everything you need to do to make the best claim possible.

    And know that the person who hits someone and then speeds through 6 red lights is going to get caught by karma one of these days.

    EDIT: Yes, It's likely that the driver doesn't have insurance.  In that case, it still falls on your insurance.  Some (I think most) insurance plans have an "insurance against uninsurance" so that if the other driver doesn't have insurance, you don't have to pay for repairs/damages.  You are covered for that as part of YOUR insurance.

    As long as you have the license plate # of the driver, you'll be fine--let the police do their job, and then be sure you get in touch with your insurance company--they will need to see a copy of the police report, and they can send you to one of their mechanics who can give an estimate for your car.

    Don't worry about having the other driver "held responsible."  Your insurance will sue their insurance for the money or it will sue them personally if they don't have any.  Either way, your insurance will settle the claim with you and make sure that your car is repaired.  You pay a lot for your insurance, now it's time to let them earn what you've paid them :-).

  2. Did you got the license plate number?

    If the answer is "no" then nothing will happen, no one will be arrested and you will have to pay for your damages. There must be like a few thounsands cars in your city and police can't go car by car, not to mention the whole State.

    If you got the plate numbers then the person will be arrested and take to trial, your car will be fixed and you will be happy.

  3. Did police also give you her insurance info?  If they did, call their insurance, file a claim with them and get them to fix your damages, assuming this person also has insurance.  She will be charged for hit and run.

  4. Just wait till Tuesday and get the police report but make sure that you contact your insurance company, she will probably be arrested for hit and run and you need to follow up on this and press charges.

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