
Someone in my house smokes marijuana and i need help.?

by  |  earlier

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it's my dad, and it bothers me because i am a straight A student and so is my girlfriend and she is over almost everyday, i wanted to know how bad it would hurt my health and hers to be in the same house as him. how badly would the second hand smoke hurt us? and should when he is smoking, we just go outside or to her house in order to retain the brain cells we have? i am very concerned about this and if need be i'll tell her she cant come over anymore as long as SHE can keep her mind. any help would be very greatly appreciated.




  1. Dude it wont do anything to either of you. Stop being so paranoid and relax.

  2. hey "specops"  , leave your ol man alone , go back to your video game and dont worry about your imaginary girlfriend

  3. Dude, chill. A few stray molecules aren't going to affect you.

  4. it won't hurt you and studies say that marijuana does not contribute to brain damage.

    considering he pays the bills, and isn't getting liquored up and beating the c**p out of you, I say consider yourself lucky, let the man enjoy his down time, and stop being a little *****

  5. I think you need to speak to your dad about this (when hes not high of course) and explain to him that its not healthy for his family and that it really bothers you. If he refuses to stop ask him if he could do it outside of the house. And its very sweet of you to care about your girl friend so much. Maybe you should tell her the situation and you guys will decide whether you want to go to her house to study or something and just come up with a compromise. I'm sure if she really likes you she'll understand that this is not your fault and you have no control over it. I hope things work out for you, good luck! =)

  6. I SMOCKED WEED FER OVR 6 YURS AND i AM PURFICTLY FINE!!!! No, just kidding, at least the bad spelling portion of this answer. It isn't going to negatively effect your brain cells being in the same house as a little bit of reefer smoke. Really, I've smoked a considerable amount of pot in my own lifetime, I don't anymore, I quit about two years ago and as far as negative side effects I am still experiencing from being a very frequent smoker are none. Maybe I felt burnt out for a little while, but that was relatively fleeting. Anyway, my point is that you don't have much to worry about as far as second hand smoke from marijuana goes, and he probably doesn't smoke enough weed to put a substantial amount of it into the air, anyhow, it will not effect your brain cells one bit if someone else smokes pot, even in your general vicinity. But he should have the disccretion to at least smoke outside or something if there are people who are unappreciative of his habit. But don't worry about your intellect, it will not suffer and neither will hers.

  7. Seeing how you are a straight A student i would expect you to be a lil smarter then this. Do not trust everything they teach you in school. They make marijuana out to be heroin or something. I bet you wouldnt have a problem sitting in your house or your girlfriends house if her parents smoked Cigarettes, Would you. But cigarettes cause worse things for second hand smoke than marijuana will. Consider this next time your walking into school and your teacher is out back smoking their cancer sticks.

  8. Go to the library and do your studies.Stay out of the house when he is smoking.

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