
Someone in my league is trying to get H. Ramirez from me. Should I consider it to get SP help.?

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My roster is the following: J. Mauer, J. Loney, J. Kent, A. Gordon, H. Ramirez, J. Hamilton, G. Sizemore, M. Ramirez, R. Howard. V. Guerrero, E. Longoria, M. Bourn, H. Kendrick with 4 of those guys on the bench. Hitting is where I am getting my wins at.

For pitching I have: C. Hamels, J. Litsch, M. Cain, C. Morton, J. Cueto, R. Oswalt, J. Soria, J. Valverde, and K-Rod. I have the best closer and 2 decent ones as well, but my starting pitching is not the best. I am in 4th place in my league and the guy trying to get Ramirez is 2nd.

If I got C. Guzman, S. Kazmir(both have been offered in a recent trade offer) and S. Marcum off his DL, should I give up Hanley. My hitting would be affected, but my pitching would be defintely upgraded.

Thanks for any help.




  1. hey answer my question

    i have Hanley too, and i put him up there with AROD, they're both untouchable, unless you're overwhelmed, like Pujols/Jon Lester for Hanley would be good

  2. Your team needs tweaks,not major moves.............

    I suggest dumping Loney,Gordon,and Kent(offencive bench dead weight) for the best available SPs off of waivers.(By doing this you WILL boost your Ks,Ws,and the increased innings will most likely lower your whip,and era.)~Good Luck!

  3. you dont have many SB's  in your line-up.  unless you start bourn  but his .220 ba, no rbi's, and no hr's.  hanley  is a 20/40 guy  with a good ba.

    Who would you be giving up to get kazmir?  

    Why are you starting jeff kent?  why is he even on your roster?  kendrick or any ramdom 2b  off waivers is a better choice

  4. I wouldnt move HRam at all. Even if you got a very nice package in return you lose your only basestealing player and a .300 hitter for a guy that MIGHT help you once every 5 days? Surely you can scan your free agent pool, there might not be any great pitchers but surely there are some very good spot starting opportunities. Do some research and pick up a guy who just happens to dominate a particular team or find a hot team and go with a questionable starter if the team they are playing is slumping (that makes even bad pitchers look good once in a while). Plus if you make this deal you are more than likely making catching this guy impossible, he easily gets the better of this deal and guts your SS production for a spotty guy at best. And Marcum is a gamble until he comes back effectively, sore elbows far too often derail great seasons even when they come back (it stays in their head for awhile and they hold back a bit). If you cant find good matchups then drop some of your weak players (Kent,Bourn, Litsch) and add solid middle relievers, they wont help much with wins but they can be great helps with WHIP, ERA and Ks per 9 innings and improve your numbers in 3 categories while only sacrificing one category.There are a lot better ways to improve without sacrificing your best player, especially one at such a tough position to fill (the very reason the other guy wants him, his SS is killing him in his quest to get to 1st). If he offers a lot better than an injured starter, one very good starter and a fringe fantasy SS then listen, until then improve your pitching with the free agents or offer guys like Gordon and Kendrick around for good starters, guys that arent stud types but are improvements over what you have.

  5. First of all get Longoria off the bench and into Gordon's spot. Second, try to get rid of bourn, and gordon and kent for starting pitching because Hanley is dominating right now and has been all season. C Guzman is a fake although he is having a ood season, KAzmir is solid but Marcum is also a question mark because we don't know how he will do when he comes of the DL and getting rid of a top player for a good pitcher in Kazmir and possibly to fakes that might have been good for only half a season/less then it is not worth it.

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