
Someone is accusing me of harassment, will you help?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds weird, but I am being accused of electronic harassment - ( I don't even KNOW these people), to make a long story short, they have obtained a lawyer and are going to try to sue me and they claim they are going to get a subpoena to get my IP address records from my internet provider. They admit that the messages they are getting are just rude and excessive, they do not threaten any bodily harm. I have told them that they have the wrong person, but what can I do to protect myself.? any ideas? Should I let his attorney get my IP address records? And if so, why should I? Aren't I entitled to my privacy? Even though I did nothing wrong, I don't see why they should be able to get personal info on me - especially considering I have never met these people!




  1. If they file a police report and press charges then it's possible they could get a subpoena to get your IP address records.  If you did nothing wrong, like you said, then you should have absolutely nothing to worry about because those records will prove that...unless someone else is using your computer to do the alleged harassing.  Let's hope not.

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