
Someone is been acting funny lately how to find out why the person is acting funny ?

by  |  earlier

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Example, we know that person he/she wouldn't do such thing normally. Is the person trying to tell something or the person just suddenly gone mad. There could be few reasons I suppose.......




  1. either he purposely for its own reason or its nature character!!if u said she gone mad then for sure the person be sent to the rumah sakit jiwa !!all this depends on the indiviual and it is your none of business than figure why the person act like that !!u got nothing to do it is??so weird wan u???

  2. Oh yeah..? Very Funny....

  3. how about you ask her/him?

  4. They probably have something on their mind or maybe they are bipolar

  5. Maybe you should ask them ?

  6. could be stress.....nowadays life is so stressful.

    But if you care, you should ask and tell him/her your concern and see what that person's problem is.

  7. you ask them la....

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