
Someone is hackign my computer. How do i fix it?

by Guest65882  |  earlier

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Ok so like he hacks my computer right and he he took complete control i first noticed i got a message that a notepad doc popped up and said i am satan blah blah blah then i said yoru a hacker and then he started messing with my stuff on my computer i dont know what this i s called but i t happened again i just ammediately turned the computer off. Someone please teach me how to block this hacker i mean i have firewall on but it just wont work!




  1. Ok,

    Anti-virus does nothing for "hacking".

    It's anti-virus. It only stops virus.

    When someone injects VNC or any of a number of other payloads, you are compromised.

    Re-partition, re-install.

    Save your data off first.

    DONT let others use your machine.

  2. yet again unplug internet, get norton 2008 it has a great defence against hackers and if that does not work take it to a local computer shop for some help!

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. yes, just like the other guy said, disconnect from the internet, that is how he is controlling your computer. Now I recommend you get antivirus software from a store, hopefully he hasn't hurt it enough, so you can install the antivirus software. Then scan for viruses and the software will delete it.

    I hope this works for you!!!!!

  4. First thing to do is unplug the ethernet cable

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