
Someone is trying to take stuff from my house what kind of traps can i set up but that aren't to hard to set u

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Someone is trying to take stuff from my house what kind of traps can i set up but that aren't to hard to set u




  1. An alarm system is the only foolproof solution.  Or buy a really mean dog.

  2. set up hiden cameras so if they do take something you will know who took it

  3. get a spy camera....check this:

  4. You can't really "trap" a person, nor injure them in any way.

    What you can do is set up some type of surveillance, or even cheap alarm system.

    I think there are motion detectors on the market that scream when activated, even though not hooked up to an alarm system.

    You can also take a video camera or web cam and set it up, and even disguise it a bit, and just let it record, and then watch the video when you get back if you suspect anything is amiss.

  5. Try one of these,

  6. By a webcam or a camera that can go outside, Set it up where its not visible, And dont tell neighbors, Make sure what get is recorded. Here in ohio, Some guys ruined a guys christmas stuff in his yard one year, So the next year he put up a camera in the tree, And the news posted the video and people recognized the boys that came back and vandalized his stuff and they got into some trouble! Its a great idea!

  7. if its really bad and you really want to know, get some little spy cameras and set them up around your house.

  8. first of all, I would NOT recommend setting up traps...if the person who has been trying to steal from you hurts themselves, you could potentially be liable. Keep your doors and windows shut and locked. If your door doesn't have a bolt lock, get one. If you suspect that someone is outside trying to rob you, call the police

  9. Hang a sign on the door that says,


    Then hang a snare inside so that it can be seen thru a window.

    No one will dare take a chance on that one.

    We did that at our lake house, after Vandals had their way a few times. No more Vandals!!!

  10. razor blades


  12. set tons of mouse traps all over...

  13. Your best bet is to get a security system.

    Booby traps aren't going to stop them.

  14. Don't too anything violent, because then you'll get arrested.

    Just pin up pictures of Tubgirl and Lemonparty.

  15. call the police.

    and get an alarm system or something.

    it will help more than booby traps.

  16. you can get cameras, you didn't say whether its someone that you know or don't know...if it was someone you know call the cops

  17. put a radio some were and wen some opens the door or window make it sound and they are gone get scare and run away.

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