
Someone just called my home number, but when i answered it was a silent one. when i tried to call them back ?

by  |  earlier

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it said the number wasnt recognised, and yet i dialled 1471 and then pressed 3 to return the call, so i know i didnt get the number wrong.....any ideas what happened. the start of the number was 012 326




  1. It may be an automated computer generated random call, when someone picks up their phone if there is a telesales person free you will get an answer, you wont be able to call back. Lucky no one was available!

  2. You can subscribe at NO COST to Bt's Privacy at Home,thus banning unsolicited calls,for a a small fee,you can bar calls from withheld numbers.Also BT have "choose to refuse where even if a withheld no calls you you can bar it calling you again,halfway through a call even,press recall,dial  choose2refuse,option_bar last caller_press recall ans,ask 'em to call you back,its a bad line,they will hear "the number you are calling is not accepting calls from you",it's very cool for nasty callers,and BT offer it free if you are being harassed or for a small fee if you just want it.only 1o numbers can be barred at any one time.

  3. because its one of those numbers that is automated and you cant call back

  4. It's an automatic call centre system dialout. The system requires cold callers to make X number of calls an hour, and as soon as their current is coming to an end, the computer automatically dials out the next one on the list. They have to then get ready to talk before so many rings and when the end-user picks up the call, but sometimes the call-centre employee doesn't clear down the last call then the target person hears "dead air".

    It's really annoying that this happens, and confusing for older people especially. My mother-in-law got lots of these so I registered her number with TPS which stopped it after a couple of months (it needs time for the databases to update).

    TPS only governs UK-originated calls, and that's why overseas call centres still get away with it.

    If you want to know about TPS click the link below.

  5. Try this site, if people have previously looked up the number the company endeavours to find out who it is so it may already have a listing. You don't need to give any of your personal details just the number you are querying

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