
Someone just punched me in the stomache hard and its hearting for a while can he go to jail?

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im 14 and he is 17 or 18 can he go to jail




  1. It depends on several different variables.  Firstly, there needs to be witnesses to the incident, a motive, probable cause, and the mood the police officer is in at the time.  But seriously, you should probably just stop being a big baby and beat the c**p out of him.  If he is much bigger than you, then either learn karate (lol) or find another way to make him leave you alone.  I don't see what the big deal is, most juniors/seniors that pick on smaller kids wouldn't want a full'fledged conflict, they just want to demonstrate how much stronger they are in comparison to you.  I beat up the last 17 year old that attacked me, so you really can't whine.  Oh, yeah, that doesn't mean anything.....kk I'm 15 so there.

  2. what kind of stupid question is that i bet u that u deserved it  

  3. if he is 18yrs have to go to the police and file a report for assault and battery..

  4. umm i think so if u press charges

  5. Yep

  6. Absolutley, call the police!!!  

  7. yes  

  8. yes, nobody has the right to assult another.

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