
Someone know a safe investment in these turbulent times? Canadian perspective please.?

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I currently have investments in a money market fund but word has it that the U.S. economy is in huge trouble and the bubble could burst in the next 12-18 months. If that happens my current investment is going to tank. It's only about 9 G's but it's the savings for our children's education. I'm not sure about government bonds or T-bIlls but the feds are in over their heads with the national debt so they too will feel the effects of a struggling economy south of the border. Any advice will be most appreciated, thanks!




  1. I don't think you will find a safer investment than a money market fund. Anyhow, if you really want a safe investment put your money in Canada Savings Bonds.  There is virtually no risk of default because savings bonds are guaranteed by the government.

    If the government goes broke it doesn't matter where your money is we are all in trouble.

  2. Well invest in Canadian stock, bonds, etc. If the US economy collapses, your investments will be the last thing you need to worry about.

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