
Someone knows a natural medicine for ?

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Yes my son who is 40 yr s is taking Crestor to elevate his good cholesterol ; but the last blood test showed that it was attacking his muscles so he would like to know if there's a natural product who would bring the same benefit for helping his H D L to get higher ; is there food who could help his condition Thanks [ HE doesnt have a cholesterolstorol problem ; but because his H D L is little bit to low the doctor told him ; that he had to elevate his good cholesterolstorol to control the bad one




  1. Your son is probably one of the millions of people who fall for those scams that the medical and food industries place on the public....The whole good and bad cholesterol things all scams they made by manipulating informations so they can sell products and make money from consumers.... Read "Natural Cures they don't want you to know about" and visit for natural health remedies and information.......

  2. Look up Hawthorn on  the Internet, its avaiable in tablet form. I think that Turmeric may also help.

    Long walks and lots of exercise will will wonders.

  3. There is a natural supplement called Cholesterol Regulation Complex.  It helps to inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.  Unlike statin drugs this product will not destroy the production of CoQ10 a nutrient critical to heart health and has no side effects.

  4. Aerobic exercise. Many people don't like to hear it, but regular aerobic exercise (any exercise, such as walking, jogging or bike riding, that raises your heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes at a time) may be the most effective way to increase HDL levels.  Recent evidence suggests that the duration of exercise, rather than the intensity, is the more important factor in raising HDL choleserol. But any aerobic exercise helps.

    Lose weight. Obesity results not only in increased LDL cholesterol, but also in reduced HDL cholesterol. If you are overweight, reducing your weight should increase your HDL levels. This is especially important if your excess weight is stored in your abdominal area; your weight-to-hip ratio is particularly important in determining whether you ought to concentrate on weight loss.

    Stop smoking. If you smoke, giving up tobacco will result in an increase in HDL levels. (This is the only advantage I can think of that smokers have over non-smokers -- it gives them something else to do that will raise their HDL.)

    Cut out the trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are currently present in many of your favorite prepared foods -- anything in which the nutrition label reads "partially hydrogenated vegetable oils" -- so eliminating them from the diet is not a trivial task. But trans fatty acids not only increase LDL cholesterol levels, they also reduce HDL cholesterol levels. Removing them from your diet will almost certainly result in a measurable increase in HDL levels. Click here for a quick and easy review of trans fatty acids and the heart.

    Alcohol. With apologies to the American Heart Association, which discourages doctors from telling their patients about the advantages of alcohol: one or two drinks per day can significantly increase HDL levels. More than one or two drinks per day, one hastens to add, can lead to substantial health problems including heart failure -- and there are individuals who will develop such problems even when limiting their alcohol intake to one or two drinks per day. Click here for a quick and easy review of alcohol and the heart.

    Increase the monounsaturated fats in your diet. Monounsaturated fats such as canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil and in the fats found in peanut butter can increase HDL cholesterol levels without increasing the total cholesterol.

    Add soluble fiber to your diet. Soluble fibers are found in oats, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, and result in both a reduction in LDL cholesterol and an increase HDL cholesterol. For best results, at least two servings a day should be used.

    Other dietary means to increasing HDL. Cranberry juice has been shown to increase HDL levels. Fish and other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can also increase HDL levels. In postmenopausal women (but not, apparently, in men or pre-menopausal women) calcium supplementation can increase HDL levels.  

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