
Someone out there asked about Palmistry.?

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I have a book, but to show anyone they need to E-mail me. Its quite interesting. This is also for the first answer to my Mygraine question. This striked change in weather and the Mygraine...I went right through it without pain: but saw the Jagged collor scheam. How may of us can paint this image? This image should be considered viable, especially if us Psy...see it.




  1. Pal;mestry is very interesting subject. I have a book or two on it myself.

  2. Hello emmaFreeze,

    Yes, I am very interested in your palmistry question and experiences, however ... what exactly do you have in mind with this question?

    By the way, what is the title of your book?

    (Mygraine??? The Weather??? Jagged collor scheam???)

    By the way, in case you're interested: the source below presents you the latest news about Palmistry & Hands:

    Best wishes from The Netherlands!


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