
Someone pl mail me a short rhyme for my 6 yr old boy which he can easily memorize?

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this is his holiday h.w. in school and i want his rhyme to b the best




  1. This is a version on a poem my father would recite to me and I memorized as a child

    My mother said

    If I was good

    And made the bed,

    And watched the telephone

    She would send me out

    To buy a chocolate ice cream cone

    So I did the things she said

    Then she made some gingerbread

    Then I went out

    Just me alone

    And got myself a chocolate ice cream cone

    Then a little dog came up and took a great big l**k

    Then I hit that mean old dog with just a little stick

    Then he bit me, where I sit down

    And then he chased me all over town

    Now I am lost

    I can find my home

    All because of a chocolate ice cream cone.

    The full version follows and it by Kenny Roberts

    Chocolate Ice Cream Cone

    My mama said if I'd be good,

    She'd send me to the store

    She said she'd bake some Gingerbread

    If I would sweep the floor.

    She said if I would make the bed

    And watch the telephone

    That she would send me out to get

    A chocolate ice cream cone.

    And so I did the things she said

    And then she made some Gingerbread

    Then I went out, just me alone

    And got my chocolate ice cream cone.

    While coming back I stubbed my toe

    Upon a big old stone

    Now need I tell you that I dropped

    My chocolate ice cream cone.

    A little puppy came along

    And he took a great big l**k

    And so I hit that mean old dog

    With just a little stick.

    Then he bit me where I sit down

    And he chased me all over town

    So, now I'm lost, I can't find my home

    And all because of that chocolate ice cream cone

    And all because of that chocolate,

    Chocolate ice cream cone.

  2. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,

    Jack fell down and broke his crown,

    and Jill came tumbling after.

    or... if you want something original...

    Billy the old goat,

    Wanted to cross the moat,

    He went over the bridge,

    To get to the fridge,

    Just to eat a coat.

    HAHA. I know its terrible.


    Freddy was a ghost,

    who was scarier than most

    and wanted to eat pot roast.

    Unfortunately every day,

    Although he would pray,

    All he would get was toast.

  3. 1-2-3-4-5

    once I caught a fish alive


    then I let it go again.

    (when he says the numbers he shows his fingers - get my gist)

    If he remembers that easily, go for the second verse, otherwise stop at the first.

    Why did you let it go

    because it bit my finger so

    which finger did it bite

    this little finger on the right (shows little right finger with a bandage on it)

    Good luck

  4. Last night I saw upon the stair

    A little man who was not there

    He was not there again today

    Gee, I wish he'd go away!

    (Ogden Nash)

    (correction: I'd always seen it attributed to Ogden Nash, but some claim it's really by William Hughes Mearns and plagiarized by Nash)

  5. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

    All the king's horses and all the king's men,

    Could not put Humpty together again.

    Baa Baa black sheep, have you any wool;

    Yes sir Yes sir three bags full

    One for the master and one for his dame

    And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

    Who can climb the tree,

    Neither you nor I

    But when the leaves hand trembling

    The wind is passing by

    Who can see the wind

    Neither I nor you

    But when the trees bow down their head

    The wind is passing through.

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