
Someone please explain to me carbon credits..........?

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How can we use an existing tree for carbon credits? Aren't those trees "credits" already spoken for? Shouldn't a new tree be required to produce a credit? Doesn't it stand to reason that we are already using the "credits" produced by an existing tree? Liberals and enviromentalists please chime in.




  1. If everyone was allowed to have a carbon footprint as BIG as Al Gore's, we would all have carbon credits to sell to cover our new increased costs for energy.

    It is a scam to make Al Gore and his friends rich. Al Made over $100 million last year while he increased his energy usage. He got most of it from speeches regarding "global warming" he was paid to give.

    Wish I were that good at making millions for bulls-hit.

    Carbon Credits = EXTORTION.

  2. liberal bull c**p.

  3. let's see...people who use cars and roads will give all their money to people who don't use cars and road, who in turn, armed with all that cold, hard cash, will buy cars and build roads because nobody likes to hoof it when they don't need instead of just us polluting the planet, EVERYONE will be polluting the planet...great idea...let's call it "plan b"...

  4. Well they are concern to the Canadians,Brits Euros and now the boys down under not to us,we did not ratify Kyoto and all we heard was ''we care we lead on this'' Now they look the perfect fool I think if they don't pay up we Americans should force them too just as pay back

    You have noted that none of the ''we care you don't '' people don't have the stones to log on to this one We neocons are just to smart to fall for your B/S

  5. Carbon credits...........the new GREAT HOAX to fill our Politicians and elitists pockets.  WHAT A SHAM.

  6. The simplest definition:

    carbon credit(Kar-bun Kred-it) the way to extract free money for nothing by a liberal marxist on a free market individual,corporation,or country.

  7. That is the greatest invention Gore ever had!  Guess who makes a profit from investing in his own carbon credit scheme...yep, Gore again.  He can use more electricity, fly in private jets, etc.  But because he pays into a company he holds stock in and claims it offsets his carbon print, everyone thinks its all good.  The whole idea is ludicrous.

  8. I find this "green" scam insulting to my intelligence.

  9. LOL. It is a scam man. Do some research!!! All the planets are warming, and its not because of carbon.

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