
Someone please explain to me how McCain is just like Bush.?

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Yes, I know they both support the war. I mean beside that. Iraq is already asking that we get out by a certain time, and Bush is already agreeing, and McCain will have to. So let's leave that issue out.




  1. McCain has voted with Bush 95% of the time. Fact! This year, it has been 100%, 95% was last year.

  2. both members of the Greedy Oil Party

    who does miss alaska's husband work for again. oh yeah he quit that job to avoid the "appearance of impropriety"

  3. He's nothing like Bush!

  4. They are both idiots!

  5. they are both republicans, and if your from the same party u vote the same and dress the same and look the same and u got hot s**y VPs....ok maybe not the same hot VPs lol

  6. well lets see, when Russia entered Georgia McCain's response was to get tough and toss them out of G8. This is absurd because to eject a member from the group requires an unanimous vote, which requires Russia to agree with it, regarding Iran he wants to continue to posture and alienate them further expanding the existing rift. both of these positions agree with GWB's shoot from the hip attitudes and touches on a basic lack of knowledge about international states of affairs. McCain puts drilling for a limited resource ahead of investing in renewable energy sources that must be explored because the world's oil reserves are very limited and will run out in the next few decades. this is in step with Bush's energy policies and seeking to promote oil over alternatives. although you don't want to hear about Iraq it should be noted that Bush is going to be forced to accept a time line from the Iraqis, against his wishes and McCain also stands in opposition to acknowledging Iraq' sovereign right to decide when our troops must be out of their homeland, they both want a long term occupation of the country which they will not stand for. Both Bush and McCain support the 'missile shield' in Poland while totally disregarding Russia's concerns. having soviet missiles within 90 miles of our border back in the 60's didn't fly with us then and it is ignorant to think that having US missiles within 100 miles of the Russian border will fly today. I also think that they both are underestimating Russia in many regards and that arrogance may very well put America centerstage for a direct attack from them. Since GWB has slated BNAS to close soon the north atlantic will be watched from Florida rather than Maine and with the northwest passage a real thing now, Russia has an excellent avenue to cruise undetected right into New York harbor. if you think 9/11 was frightening imagine a Russian nuclear warship beside the Statue of Liberty. Also, neither Bush nor McCain have any clue what to do about our economic problems. Bush's only solution was to throw a bit of cash at Americans to stay off the recession long enough for him to grt out of office. Both men think in the short term rather than considering the best path for our future. they both support fiscal irresponsibility, they both are willing to reduce taxes but not spending, as a reslt the deficit will continue to grow every year. Although I don't want to pay more tax, I do understand that it is wrong to continually spend more than you have because sooner or later you have to pay back what you borrow. Bandaid politics will not help this country in any way.

  7. they both have almost the same views on taxes (more cuts for the rich)... the economy (it's not that bad, just needs some tweaking), the war (which you've mentioned), abortion (pro-life), the oil/energy situation (oil companies are good and we need to drill domestically), foreign policy (bomb, bomb, bomb... bomb, bomb Iran, Bush only wishes he had sung it, don't talk to terrorists), health care (give people tax cuts, who cares if many who don't have insurance, pay almost no taxes anyway)... gun control (guns are good)

    these are the MAIN issues for many people...

    where do they differ? stem cells? a few minor details in actual plans?

  8. HE HAS VOTED 90% OF THE TIME WITH BUSH. and both are war mongers

  9. I've found that the simplest answers are sometimes the best. McCain is just like Bush because they are both old, rich White men. Nuff said.

  10. He supports the same agenda: Continued involvement in Iraq (beyond the war), tax cuts that favor the wealthy, reducing taxes for big oil and other large corps, obstinate foreign policy....etc...etc....Its more of the same.

  11. the libs need something to hold on to.

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