
Someone please help me......... I don't know what to do...

by  |  earlier

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Someone help me. My life is a living h**l. Everyone in my family hates me. I always get yelled at, and abused. Theres no one I can go to for help. Not the police, not my friends, NO ONE!!!! No one will accept me to be their kid... help me.. Im only 13.....




  1. forget them live for yourself dont worry about anyone except for yourself

    dont be s o hard on yourself  

  2. if u tell urself there is nothing u can do u will not find a way out.

    first of all keep a positive mind. life throws us obsticles and its our job to get thru them and become stronger. take this beating as something that will make u stronger.

    watever u do dont give up..

    as for finding a way out, im afraid i dont no..that u must find ur way. but wat i can say is that their is always a way out.

    dont give up...and good luck

  3. omg that stinks i really wish i could help do u have any aunts uncles cuzins and u neeeeed to go to the police no matter what and u can do w.e u want if ur abused

  4. I would go to the police even though you don't think they could help

    talk to you teacher or friends parents

    do you have any relatives?

    call a hotline look them up online

    866-331-9474-National Domestic Violence Hotline

    800-422-4453-Child Help USA

    there are options

  5. uh...try the kids help phone?

  6. Is there a reason for them to hate you? Think about that...

    Also, there is hope, police, childcare, maybe even a counselor???

    Good luck with everything!!! =]

  7. heh dont know if this is real or not but the only thing you really need is someone to talk to there is no reason you should not be able to go to the police none at all but if your just having some emotional problems talk to someone to get them out its better than keeping them stuffed inside

    if this is real anyway

  8. Why can't you go to the police?

    They can't deny you.

    You can go to a foster home if you hate it there.

    Or runaway. [Not so smart though].

    Talk to someone anyone.

    Even if its an online friend.

  9. its okay calm down. im pretty sure they dont hate you mabye you just do things that get on their nerves or something. im pretty sure they dont hate you. just try talking to someone about your problems if u ever wanna talk. ill talk :)

  10. Don't be so hard on yourself, you might be only paying attention to the times they yell or get mad at you rather than the times they actually are happy around you.  

    And if you're getting have to go to the police, how wouldn't they help you?

  11. maybe youd might wanna improve ur attitude,im not saying u have attitude cyz u sound nice but relax,no one is that careless,let ppl come to you,dont beg ppl to accept u cuz then theyll just think ur desperate,and hello!?,r u crazy? im sure ur not but nobodys life is h**l,just let go and have a nice time,life is good,so act like it

    hope the advice helps,bye

  12. Shut the h**l up. Quit your bitching, and grow up. You have no idea how good you have it. Come live in the ghetto and then come crying to me. Grow up. If it is really that BAD where you get the **** beaten out of you everyday, then call the cops, you dumbass. Enough. Quit being a little WHINEY ******!!

  13. wo0ow hun dont woory bout it i used to have the same problem at that age im 17 now and now that i loo back it it was pretty funny.!!

    Some advice sont pay attention to nobody else do your own thing

    keep to yourself and eventuallyy you know they will change

    it just a phaze there your familt they dont hate you.!!

    Go0d luck..!!

  14. your a teenager your going to go threw rough patches at this time, i went threw it too,

    sometimes i used to fill like killing my self that's how bad it was, i felt like everyone around me hated me and that i was to much of a trouble maker for anyone to take me, but i saved money and when i turned 18 i got my own spot and let me tell you it is so much worth it,

    just get a summer time job and your time will be spent outside your home, and when school starts get into sports that's way you don't have to be around your folks all the time, you can spend most your time playing at practice and at school, and pretty soon you will be 18 and who knows your parent might even attend your games and get closer to you,

    its ok don't feel like your not wanted, your just going threw a hole right now, but keep your  faith in god and he will pull you threw,

    we all gotta to go threw the bad before bit can get better, just remember that, just hang in there kiddo it will be ok

    i promise its just a faze,

    if you wanna talk email me at

  15. Have you ever asked yourself what you have done to your family that have made them hate you?

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