
Someone please help me translate this Latin paragraph to English?

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Fama Fori Romani (of the Roman Forum) est magna. Via Sacra est via clara in Foro Romano (abl. sing.). Multae familiae Romanae in Via Sacra ambulant. Sunt templa (nom. pl. temples), basilicae*, statuae in Foro Romano.

In Foro multa templa (nom. pl. temples) deorum Romanorum (of the Roman gods) sunt.

In Foro est Curia*, magnum aedificium (building, nom. sing.); in Curia* sunt multi senatores (guess! nom. pl).




  1. The reputation of the Roman Forum is great. The Sacred Way is a famous road in the Roman Forum. Many Roman families walk on the Sacred Way. There are temples, basilicas, and statues in the Roman Forum.

    In the Forum, there are many statues of Roman gods. In the Forum is the Senate-house, a large building; in the Senate-house, there are many senators.

  2. Talk Out of doors From Rome of the From Rome Market place ) is magna. Road Sacra is road brightness upon To bore Roman abl. sing.). Long family From Rome upon Road Sacra to walk. Are villa near Cisoing nom. pl. villa near Cisoing ), public law building *, statue upon To bore Roman. Upon To bore long villa near Cisoing nom. pl. villa near Cisoing ) downwards Roman of the From Rome gods ) are. Upon To bore is Court *, large building building nom. sing. ); upon Court * are many of senatorial guess! nom. pl).

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