
Someone please reassure me that McCain will never become president.... Please, i physically sick.....?

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I just cannot understand how one could vote for him.... Obama is obviously the smarter choice!!




  1. Only if you believe the fact of his "change" can work this time when it failed very badly when former president Jimmy "Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter.

    Also he is a good choice because the un bias media says so.  Other than that he is not the smart choice!

  2. You need to go see a doctor.  Obama the smarter choice?  Clearly, the physical sickness you feel has spread to your brain, impairing your ability to make decisions.

  3. Why is Obama the smarter choice?

  4. Sounds like you have had to much medicine for your sickness.......McCain is the more experienced..intelligent and has a military history....all Obama can do is read the word change off a teleprompter...

  5. Get your kleenex ready because McCain will be your new president.


  6. hold on to your knickers lady, Ol " Wet Start McCain ' is gonna Crash and Burn, again~!

  7. have Karl Rove arrested immediately~!

  8. We'll, there are stupid Americans that cant figure out that the republicans that have been wiping there a-s-s with them....they are like.....thankyou sir, may I have another.....

    They complain how the clinton administration did nothing in the embassy bombings, but easily forget that it was the REPUPLICANS and their OIL backers that created al-queda. Republican backers that are poor (make less than 150,000 a year) do not know anything about world history.

    I dont understand why anyone would vote for McCain....I understand Ron Paul....but McCain !!??

  9. it doesn't sound to me like your illness is physical.  

  10. No such assurance can be given. The polls are too close. We all need to work hard to assure that McCain is not elected.

  11. McCain 2008! NOBOMA!

  12. get ready to go to the emergency room on election nite.

  13. i belive you. you are sick.

  14. I understand the desire to live in a country where it is comfortable to not-provide for yourself and your family... but this is America...the land where anyone with the drive and determination can reach their highest aspirations. Let's not throw that away..OK?

  15. I certainly hope you get sick as heck then.  Get the Pepto Bismol ready!  I cannot understand why anyone in his/her right mind wold vote for Osama.

  16. Calm down - take a deep breath, hold it and count to four million.

  17. Really? each his own.

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