
Someone please tell me how this works?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i went to this one auto insurance place near my house and they said my payments were gonna be $120 (i'm assuming its because of my 18) and then he told me if i change the adress on my drivers license and he enters a diff address so that all my bills go there..(like maybe a friends address).then my insurance will be like only $ the h**l is this possible??? in order to give u FULL insurance, dont they need to know all ur information such as ur car model ,year, and stuff like that? i dont get it help me plz!




  1. First of all that is illegal, that's misrepresentation! Your rates do depend upon where your vehicle is garaged at. This helps promote certain insurance carriers in certain areas. I would not be doing any business with that person. He/She would be stating that your vehicle is garaged at that address. If you got into a claim, your claim could possibly be denied if you were aware and willing to do such a thing.

    I would honestly report that person to the proper insurance authorities. Who knows what else, or who else they have done that too.

  2. Ok the first person is right crime rates, accidents in the area, garage all make your rates cheaper.  But if you get caught say you have an accident and the police write the correct address from your license, your insurance company can void your contract because you lied and you will be left with no coverage for your car or the other person if your at fault. Its called a coverage denial.

    I've had to do it many times.

  3. Answer from a General Insurance Agent

    "Carl" is right, This agent or agency needs to be reported to your States Insurance Fraud Unit or to your states Department of Insurance.

    This sort of thing is called "Insurance Fraud", aka " "Fraud by Misrepresentation of a Known Risk". with the intent to entice an insurer into an insurance contract by deception and misrepresentation. In other words lying on your insurance application which is a State Document. It's not only a Felony under State Law but it is also a Felony on the Federal level as well. Thats FBI Stuff.

    Insurance fraud comes with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

    You need to go to another more Reputable Insurance Agent quickly.

    Just stop and think about this for a minute.

    If this agency is advising you to break the law and essentially become a criminal to get cheaper insurance with them, then how reputable can they be?

    Do you really think they are going to be any more honest when you actually have an accident and need a claim paid?

    What laws do you think they will break in order to deny you coverage after you've been in an accident?

    Just look for another insurance agent. The one you saw is a crook.

  4. It's what the 1st person said.

    BUT--if you get caught, they will prosecute you for fraud.

  5. i know people who have been registering their  cars out of county for years.  They dont seem to check or even care as long as you pay them.  The issue you might run into is emmisions.  Most small towns my not require an emmision stamp on a vehicle-  but if you drive it into the city for "work" or such, you better make sure you run it through emmisions.

  6. well my parents live 75miles from a town.. i pretend my registered addy is there, because their is less crime, less need for high insurance..

    however i live in a city, with no garage, on the street parking and a high crime rate, therefore my insurance would rocket..


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