
Someone please tell me if this is normal!!?

by  |  earlier

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I had my 3 month old kitten spayed on tuesday.

i picked her up Wednesday, and the vet told me that the sutures are the ones that dissolve, and they put a glue on top of the incision.

it has been 2 days...and the incision site is swollen (the vet said swelling is normal) BUT, how much swelling?

My kittens' incision is swollen to about the size of a nickel. is that ok?




  1. This is normal, especially if the kitten is very active. You can put warm compresses on it. 20 min every hr or so for a day or two.

  2. Watch for redness and oozing. Just a little swelling *is* normal but if it starts to get pink or even more sore looking, call the vet and take her in to make sure it's not infected. Try to keep her quiet/calm as much as possible so she doesn't rip a stitch. Good luck!

  3. yeah, you want to watch for redness, oozing(not normal like pus or lots of blood) otherwise she should be fine.

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