
Someone please tell me whats wrong with my cat...the vets obviously cant...?

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i have had her at 3 vets offices and they all say nothing is wrong with my cat...Yet she limps heavily on her left side and is running into a lot of walls and falling over a lot i have also noticed that she cant jump up on things like she used to...When she usues the bathroom there is blood in her stool...whats wrong with my cat?




  1. I am a vet for 3 years and I know whats wrong she is getting arthirities and cats can get it most people say no to that but yes they can get it also blood in stool could mean a parresite get a parasite test at vet ASAP or it might be to late to save her she is running into a wall also is vison impairment or the parisites are limiting blood to eyes. Get to vet for paresite test

  2. You say you've been to three vets, and the answers here have offered good suggestions .... I'm no vet but I'm with you about being concerned.... the only suggestion I can make is to ask whether there is a vet that the police take badly treated or abandoned animals to - that you can take your cat to .... you'll know you can trust their diagnosis then.....

  3. the blood in her stool  could be caused buy an irritation in the small intestine.about the limp she could have arthritis ,and if shes older  her I sight might not be as good as it used to.       this link is for why your cat may be limping     hope these links help .and your cat gets better..  

  4. If she is running into walls and not jumping as well, maybe her eye sight isn't as good as it used to be. She could be limping due to running into something and hurting herself. There are some parasites that can affect a cat's vision, but often testing for them are very expensive and they can appear dormant for a long time. If her eyes get cloudy, like a cataract, take her in to the vet immediately.  

  5. it sounds as if he may have lyme disease or is having an inner ear problem.  loss of coordination and limping are signs of inner ear problems while everything else is common with lyme disease. either way its extremely dangerous to the cat's health and you should take it to a veterinary for further tests to be sure.  

  6. The limping may be caused by a bad case of arthritis, or maybe you cat got attacked by another animal. If she's an outdoor cat, its very possible that she's gotten attacked by another cat defending its territory. You should look at her left side to see if she has any scratches of some sort, and also check for where the bleeding is coming from.

    Good Luck!

  7. I'M NO VET, so this is just an idea. She may be partially deaf.or blind or both...hence upsetting her sense of balance. How old is she? my cat is 15yrs and frequently miss-judges her jumps, walks into objects (especially in the dark). Vet has said she is going blind and deaf. She also is very stiff around her back leg joints and has trouble sitting. (no limping though yet) again all down to athritis in humans. Blood in the stools  could be down to diet, i assume she has had all the necessary blood tests etc. to rule out anything serious.  If i were you i would keep on at your vets untill they give you an answer you are satisfied with.. don't give up, good luck.

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