
Someone posts a question and you know the answer will upset them

by  |  earlier

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So, you're clicking around and you come across a question...and you know the answer will upset the poster.

What do you do?

Do you answer it as tactfully as possible, so you don't upset them any more than necessary, or do you hit the back button?





  1. Pfft, I tell it like it is, whether they want to hear it or not.

    You should see me in action on the Singles & Dating area. Some of these teens are clueless!

  2. :] I try to be nice about the way I tell them the answer, lol. :]

    Help: O_O

  3. Honestly, it depends upon my mood and how much caffeine is in my system at the time. : )

    I am tactful if I think the person is truly clueless and wanting answers, I am snarky if the poster is fishing around for a certain type of answer and not really interested in an open discussion, and I'm sharp if I think the person is an idiot just trying to cause trouble.

    If I think a truthful answer would seriously affect someone badly I don't answer it.

  4. Depends on how obnoxious they are being and whether or not I'm just tired of answering the same ignorance time, after time, after time.  Sometimes I just put it on my watchlist and blow it off.

  5. i dont care if it upsets

  6. Well I try to be nice but keeping things real.No one likes to hear or read the truth. But if they are not gonna like the answer then why are they posting their question. They are here for answers not sympathy.  

  7. I try to give them the truth in a nice way, but if the truth hurts too much- theres the back button[:

  8. I consider my answers, for the majority, tactful.

    But I have been known to be blunt.

  9. they asked

    they want the truth

    unless they like being lied to

    then they should include that in their additional details;)

  10. the truth is crutial. you might think they will take it offensively, but you never know. tell them, they will thank you for it later

  11. I always try to be as honest as possible, but with a positive spin.  

  12. If what I'm thinking is really mean, I hit the back button...if it's for their own good, I let them have it!

  13. Ironically enough i find  A LOT OF PEOPLE really don't give a fat monkey in a teacup about how the person would feel, ESPECIALLY if it upsets them.

    I'm pretty sure some of em would be more tactful in person, but here it's no mercy with the open and impetuous opinion.

    For me i post what i think is the answer, i know some posts there is UNDOUBTEDLY gonna be something they won' t want to hear, but all i'm doing is giving my opinion and what i deem is the right answer, whether it upsets them or not is up to that person in general.  If you ask a question that will have ugly answers you're gonna get....UGLY ANSWERS. That's like being pro-life and asking a question like "Who lwould have an abortion?"  And then getting upset when they get answers of people who would.

    Only time i would hit the back button is if i know my answer is just gonna be a bunch of BS since i have NO IDEA what that person is talking about....or just one of those awkward questions i wouldnt' know how to answer except with some troll answer like "I like bunnies."  

  14. If I really think it would cause an uproar, I just avoid the question altogether.  

  15. I'm a wimp. I usually resort to the back button.

  16. I usually preface my comments with something like this:

    I know that some people will be upset with what I'm about to say, but the truth sometimes is unpleasant.

    Then, I proceed to express my opinion as tactfully as possible.  I have had such answers reported as violations because I have a "strong" opinion that the questioner totally rejects.  But Y!A has overturned the violation reports.  There is some help with this (see link below) about "when is a strong opinion a violation" or not.

    Have a polite day.

  17. I laugh.

  18. Well, the poster takes a chance on receiving negative or contrary feedback from other users. They can take all of the info and opinions and advice they get with a grain of salt. It's up to the poster to accept or deny what other users are telling them, and if they feel that strongly about what they are being told, they can give it a thumbs down or have the answer removed.

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