
Someone rang me from a payphone, how do I find out where abouts this payphone is?

by  |  earlier

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I have the number if thats any help. I put it in google and it said it was a bt payphone.




  1. You can only find the area by entering the std code and maybe the first 2 or 3 numbers.

  2. NOt sure what answer you want here.Some of the answers are correct,but are getting the thumbs down for what ever reason,but the facts are "Phone it and ask the person who picks up where its location is,otherwise ask BT

  3. Type the area code into google,the place where it is should come up straight away.

  4. Phone it and ask whoever picks it up.

  5. Phone it, somebody is bound to pick it up, then ask them where they are.

  6. why don't  you try late friday or saturday night and someone who's had a little bit to drink may be more inclined to answer a ringing phone

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