
Someone rate my pokemon diamond team out of 10?

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hardy/quick claw(case its slow and i might get KO'd)

flash cannon, ice beam, surf, brine



shadow ball, hynpsis, dream eater or nightmare, thunder bolt

Drapion / adamant

ice fang, thunder fang, crunch, cross posion

Garchomp/ adamant

fire fang, dragon claw, dragon rush, earthquake

Medicham/ lonely

ice punch, thunder punch, fire punch, brick break

Staraptor/ adamant

aerial ace, fly, steel wing, pluck

And back up

Alakazam/ modest

energy ball, shadow ball, psychic, foucs blast(for dark poke)




  1. I would give it a 8.9 out of ten. Its pretty good except for the fact that it could easily get K.O.d by my Spritomb with the ability Wonder guard.

    Thanks to pokesav. (downoaded item for the comp.)

  2. 9. You almost have a well rounded team. No matter what pokemon you have it can always get powned by someone else cause of type advantages, levels etc. I'd suggest having a roselia with some strong grass moves added in there. Even if it is an extra back up. Roselia has saved my butt a few times, even though most people think grass pokemon are pointless.

  3. Yeah i'd say your party is good if they aren't in the high levels but if they are they aren't good at all.

  4. dude if your pokemon are lv 100 then they suck but if you are starting the game and you trained these pokemon so far you are really great.

    depends what level they are.

  5. 9. you have good pokes but not moveset.

    get rid of pluck for close combat

    nightmare would be better than dream eater

    flash cannon isn't good.hydro pump or aqua jet others are good

  6. I know there are exceptions for this, but it's better to have moves of varying types on each pokemon to get type advantage. For example, you don't want both Dragon Claw and Dragon Rush on Garchomp.

    Any EVs? Lonely nature doesn't really suit Medicham, does it? Lowering defenses of any kind isn't a good nature for any pokemon, especially when Medicham has a decent def stat.

    Get rid of fly and pluck for Staraptor, you already have aerial ace (or some sort of strategy...). Replace them with moves like Roost or U-turn.

    Most balanced teams have some sort of tank or wall, like Blissey, Umbreon, or Dusknoir so you'd be able to take the hits as well as dish them out. A team of 6 sweepers without a good BPer usually doesn't last long without a good strategy.


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