
Someone said a large group of scientists signed a document stating Global warming is a myth. Is it true?

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Someone said a large group of scientists signed a document stating Global warming is a myth. Is it true?




  1. For all those "professional" "science" based climatologists--

    In Astronomy the cosmologists still don't have a CONSENSUS opinion on the Big Bang. Maybe because they realize how YOUNG their academic specialty is--- going back only a few decades. Unlike the "professional" climatologists... and other GW advocates.

  2. Yes, i think I've heard that before. But global warming is so obviously true, and not 'some type of religion'. My local beach has reduced by at least a meter in recent years, and that's not because there are more boats in the water. There's proof everywhere that it is real.

  3. No, it's not really true.

    As other answerers have noted, it sounds like you're talking about the Oregon Petition.  In order to sign the Oregon Petition, the only requirement was that the person have a Bachelor's Degree or better in any scientific field.  Just because they have a Bachelor's Degree in some field of science doesn't necessarily mean the signers went on to become scientists.

    Really, why should I care what some guy who got a degree in biology 40 years ago thinks about global warming now?  Just having a science degree does not make you expert or even necessarily informed about global warming.

    A more useful list was this one, where 1,700 scientists who either have PhDs in climate science or economics signed it saying we need to take immediate action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.  That's what the experts think.

  4. Assuming you are thinking of the Oregon Petition, It has around 32000 signatures, saying  something along the lines of man made global warming is a myth!

    I am not sure of the exact wording, you can check it out on the link to their website, provided by Manda, above.

    The point is that you do not have to be a climate scientist, or any kind of scientist, to be eligible to sign it!  All you need is to be an American and to have achieved, at some point in your life, a bachelors degree in any science or engineering subject!  

    If it was open to people in the UK, as a graduate civil engineer, I could sign it.  This in spite of the very little knowledge I have of climate science!

    32000 might be a big number to some people, but probably represents about one in a thousand of those qualified to sign.

    Large group of scientists?

    When you look into the detail, no, not at all!

  5. The large group of "scientists" is nothing more than 31,000 people with B.S. degrees in various disciplines, most unrelated to climatology.

    Approximately one in four American adults have earned a bachelor's degree, which with a US population of 300 million, amounts to about 75 million people.  Of course not all of those are B.S. degrees, but this gives you a rough idea of just how many "scientists" are out there.

  6. Yes that is so true.  Many reputable, and a growing number of top environmental scientists across the globe have come out against Al Gore's global warming scare as nothing more than a scam.  

    So don't panic, as the Democratic liberals would have you do.  Just keep your winter jacket handy as the experts are saying we might even be heading into another ice age.  

    Now that ought to make those poor polar bears happy.

  7. Yes. Global warming is a myth.

         Not much to say.The fact that it is treated like an undeniable religion and all un belivers must be burned at the stake.. I would start to raise questions.

  8. Lets assume global warming is true... OMFG go green ASAP or we all DIE!!!

    Lets assume global warming is false... clean/renewable energy lessens our dependence on foreign finite resources and creates jobs (someone has to build/maintain wind, solar, etc...); energy efficient lights, appliances, vehicles save the end user (that's you) money, p.s. most people like money; recycling reduces the # of acres of new landfills created, thus, if you're a supermathmatician, reduces the likelyhood of YOU living or ever having to go near a landfill; cleaner air, water, etc... benefit everyone- they're a public good, why wouldn't we want cleaner everything? (it's next to godliness).

  9. You're referring to the infamous Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine (OISM) petition.  Basically, OISM is 2 or 3 man home-based business (they produce a lot of home-schooling material) in rural OR that put up a web-site (allowing anyone to sign, without verification of credentials) opposing the US signing of Kyoto.  They sent out a deceptive mailer (made to look like it came from the National Academy of Sciences) that contained a report (not peer reviewed or written by anyone with any climate science credentials) attacking global warming.

    Using tactics like this, you could probably get a similar list of people (some real, some fictitious as in the OISM petition) claiming some sort of science degree who believe in Bigfoot, have been abducted by aliens, or agree NASA never landed on the moon.

    The key point is that this list is most definitely not made up of climate scientists.

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