
Someone said if Biden's 17 yr old daughter were pregnant, the republicans would call her the w***e of Babylon?

by  |  earlier

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Do you agree with the statement?




  1. No, not true.  Hopefully all of the candidates children will be left out of this

  2. Yea. It politics. each side chooses something to run with.

  3. I do not agree with that statement.  Obviously there are idiots on the "right" that would make fun of the girl - just like there are idiots on the left now making fun of Sarah Palin's daughter for their political gain.  They should take a "key" from the party's leader (Obama) who stated this is not a political issue for the campaign.

  4. No.

  5. Absolutely not. It would in no way detract from Biden's otherwise mediocre at best political career.

    You seem to be terribly familiar with the w***e of Babylon. Relative?

  6. No, because the republicans would have no idea who the w***e of Babylon was.

  7. No, that's just typical democrat/liberal BS.  I'm not a repub but I've seen A LOT more of this BS coming from the democratic liberal children on this board who aren't even old enough to vote.  Obama has lost this election and his supporters are getting desperate.

    If you need proof, just look at some of the childish answers you got from the liberal children.  Many didn't even answer your question but they chose to resort to name calling and talking about something totally different from your question.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  8. yes they would chew her up and spit her and her unborn child out. turn her into a w***e and smear her in the tabloids aswell.

  9. Not at all. And Palin's daughter isn't a "w***e."

    What this shines a huge friggin light on is that abstinence-only education DOES NOT work.  

  10. Maybe.  Would you still vote for him then?

  11. YES - the Repubes would be having a fields day with this story!  But since it's one of their own - they are NOW making excuses and trying to justify it - but the bottom line it that the abstinent-ONLY education mother is going to be a about being a hypocrite!

  12. you mean "someone" that is a left wing loon like you? Of course not, she is a great kid with a tough choice and I admire her stand.

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