
Someone said scrambles eggs are really good for u they have prtein etc but?

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every one says the yoke part or the yellow in an egg is bad for u so how is scrambles eggs good for u then ????




  1. As long as you don't eat too many yokes it's okay.  The yoke has cholesterol in it.  You could use just the egg whites, or include one yoke for flavor.

  2. It isn't "bad" for you, it's just that people with high cholesterol shouldn't eat too much of it since it contains a lot of fat and cholesterol.

    You can buy egg whites and make scrambled eggs with those since they have most of the protein, less fat, and less calories.

    For example...

    An egg yolk contains:

    54 calories

    2 grams protein

    4 grams fat

    egg white contains:

    17 calories

    4 grams protein

    0.5 grams fat

  3. One or two eggs at a time should be okay once or twice a week.  You can scramble egg whites and they won't have all the calories and cholesterol.

  4. The yoke also contains a high degree of cholesterol which is not good for you.

    Like all things, moderation is the key.

  5. They are fine in moderation.

  6. I always thought that the cholestrol in eggs was the good type that your body actually needed. Could be wrong though, Im not a dietician.

  7. The yolk part is neccessarily bad for you its just got the majority of the fat and cholestorol.  

    you can scramble egg whites.

  8. well, the egg white is better for you than the yellow. that doesn't mean the yellow is bad for you. eggs have alot of protein raw, (that's why some people eat raw eggs in the morning) but when they are cooked, most of the protein goes away. there is still some protein though, and no or low fat. that's why they say they're good for you.

  9. Eggs are actually very, very good for you. My family doctor always refers to eggs as "the miracle food".  They have many essential nutrients and may even help prevent certain kinds of cancer. The yolks are higher in cholesterol then the whites but it is most definitely NOT bad for you. Unless your consuming, y'know, three eggs a day, it probably won't even affect you.

    If you're really hoping to improve your diet, I would suggest seeing a doctor to help you get started. Doctors know a lot more than weight loss professionals.

    Hope this helps. :)

  10. WHAT??? the yoke has the most protein and vitamins! Don't listen to whoever told you that!

  11. I don't think the yoke is bad for you I think it just has more fat than the white. I think as long as you are not eating a lot of other foods that are high in fat it should be fine to eat.

  12. Basicly, a lot of food is good for you. Too much of a food is not good for you.

    Egg yolk has more calories than eggwhite, yet it is one of the few food items that has vitamine D in it.

    So if you are trying to watch your calories or cholesterol, try to stay away from "too much" egg yolks.

    So there is no problem eating scrambled eggs, or an omelet, or a nice spanish tortilla, just don't exaggerate or have this daily!

  13. Some say the yoke is bad, but not everyone. There is a lot of protein in the yoke too, and some say the fat in it helps to boost testosterone levels.

    Also, you can make scrambled egg whites (no yoke) for an extremely filling and high protein meal.

    Both the yoke and the white have an really high amino acid count, making it a "very good" protein source.

    (Many plant sources of protein are not complete.)

  14. There was a study released recently that concluded that people who ate scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast for breakfast actually consumed FEWER calories throughout the day.

  15. Eggs are great for you but in moderation...Most ppl take one yoke and two egg whites to make their scrambled eggs...It's all about the omega 3s...

  16. Try scrambled tofu:)  It's way better for you and it's cruelty free.

  17. Scrambled eggs in moderation are good for you.

  18. Eggs are good for you.  As you said they are a very good source of protein.  The yolk is not bad for you.  It can be a cause for concern if you are on a low cholesterol diet and have a lot of eggs in your diet, however.  This is probably why you hear & see the adds for egg beaters etc and recipes that don't include the egg yolk.  This is marketing geared for those people with high cholesterol.  Just remember everything in moderation and you can't go wrong.  Hope this helps:-)

  19. If eggs had yokes, wouldn't their farms be much nicer?

    The yolk is not bad for you. The only time you should stay away from eggs is if your cholesterol is very high, other than that---enjoy. I like them scrambled too.

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