
Someone says watching soap operas are wrong according to the Bible, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know?

by Guest58961  |  earlier

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Someone I know says it is a sin to watch them and trys to make me feel bad by watching them and is giving me a hard time, but I don't feel that way. I would like to know other people's opinion.




  1. The bible is one huge soap opera!  

    But I don't believe that this statement is true!  

  2. There are even people who say tv is a sin! and electricity. That's the great thing about the land of the free. Every crazy can have his day!

  3. I think that if you are a christian, and God is not appreciative of what u are doing then he will convict u of it himself and tell u that it is wrong, not ur friend. According to the bible it says in Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.So according to the bible ur friend is the one doing wrong by judging u.  

  4. Ok well it doesn't specifically say "do not watch soap operas" in the bible, but it does say that we should stay away from anything that pollutes or distracts the mind from God. TV in general distracts people's minds ..and honestly: who thinks about God when they are watching tv?

    Answer: No one...unless they're watching a Religious/ Gospel channel!

  5. If you are speaking of daytime soaps like "The Young and the Restless," "Bold and Beautiful," "Guiding Light," there was a time, quite a few years ago now, when soaps were considered some of the dirtiest stuff on TV.  

    Everybody is sleeping with everyone at the drop of a hat, and the major characters have all been married over and over again.  The lifestyles presented are definitely anti-Bible.

    However, today there is so much filth on TV that the soaps are, by comparison only, wholesome.

    If you watch only for entertainment and there is no danger that the lifestyle they present would entice you to say adultery, or promiscuity, etc., I would say just enjoy them and don't watch too many.

  6. I think what they're trying to say is that soap operas tend to glorify sinful behavior. Or, at the least, make it seem as if being an adulterous, materialistic, self-centered person is okay.

  7. Soap operas weren't invented when the Bible was written. So tell this interfering busybody to leave you alone and watch what you like.

  8. i think thats stupid . not trying to be rude to your friend but that is not any where in the bible as the bible was made years ago wasnt it ??

    and soap operas werent around then, so dont listen to them x

  9. It's not a sin. It's just a total waste of time.


  10. LOL - The old testament is like a soap opera.

  11. that person is crazy

  12. There is always 'someone' who thinks everything is a sin.  Judge for yourself.  If you feel comfortable and you don't feel you are doing wrong, then don't worry about everyone else.  

  13. Well, lets see, soaps glamorize and support g**s, adultery, divorce, and sinful living.  So, that is why they are wrong for Christians to watch.  I used to watch soaps, and I stopped when the Holy Spirit convicted me and told me that no child of God's should watch such filth.

  14. the bible don't say you cant watch soap operas but it's the things they talk about and promote. Having s*x before s*x is wrong having s*x with some someone whose married is wrong and that's what the bible says you shouldn't do  

  15. Moses originally brought 15 commandments down from the mount. He dropped one tablet, thus the 10. The 14th commandment was, "Thou shalt not pollute your mind with people who are all unnaturally beautiful, independently wealthy, never work, have s*x with each other and 2/3 of them are hospitalized."

  16. I have never heard it I don't think that person  was right

  17. Thats dumb.

  18. I don't think people 3000 years ago knew what soap operas were.

  19. Ridiculous.

  20. I dont think Soap Operas are a sin! I just think you MIGHT get TO cought in them! Like wanting a man to hold you like you see on the Soaps! So You gotta keep ya head on right! :-) God loves youuuu! Just wanted to say that :)

  21. Soap operas are tantamount to gossip, perhaps that's why...  seems a little radical to me.

  22. The odds are, it isn't. I don't believe God would mind anyways. Probably referring to an obscure thing in the Bible that says not to participate in dramatic things... I would love to know as well though, I don't feel it is a big deal.  

  23. they are not literally in the bible.

    the idea that soap operas are wrong is based off of an interpretation on the text.  there is no where in the bible where it mentions TV shows

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