
Someone show me evidence that global warming sceptics are increasing or decreasing in number please?

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Someone show me evidence that global warming sceptics are increasing or decreasing in number please?




  1. Skeptics are decreasing...

  2. Well.... I guess I'm #1.. Yeah..

  3. Mang, I have not idea how many people are skeptical of AGW.  I don't care what the numbers are, I still encourage other people to think for themselves.

    I have noticed a lot of the world leaders like to give it the thumbs up and say yes I believe in AGW, unlike my opponents who are deniers, but I don't actually plan on changing any policies so you need not worry about increases in taxation, but vote for me because I'm a believer.  Amazingly people go along with that.

    Also when conservative politicians say the debate is over, that doesn't seem like they've suddenly acquired a belief in AGW either.  Maybe they've just decided to stop telling people that they think it's an improbable theory.

    Richard, it seems that the concensus is that the number of sceptics is decreasing even though non of the polls you linked to actually found that.  That sounds like believer logic to me.

  4. See Richards answer.  He's correct, the number of people concerned about global warming is clearly growing.

    To everyone else, notice how Richard answered the question asked concisely and with evidence to support him.  It would be nice if more people tried to follow that pattern ;-)


    Al Gore has a house that consumes more energy than a neighborhood.

    He owns a company that sells carbon credits

    He justifies it by buying carbon credits from himself.

    Environmentalism is a religion and like all religions fear creates a flow of money.

    Environmentalists tell us that humans are a cancer on the Earth and the earth must rid itself of it

    What if the Earth is now at the end of the warming cycle and headed for cooler times?

    'Coldest winter in 100 years'

    China battles the freezing weather that has stranded millions

  6. I would say the evidence is overwhelming that most people and governments do not really believe, or believe it is natural and not much we can do about it. The evidence is in the lack of action. I see very little being done. It is not even a main subject in the news. Most people are not significantly changing their life styles or trying to reduce population growth.

  7. since no-one is counting- its basically impossible to tell.

    You also have to bear in mind that the main tactic of the skeptics is to make it appear that there are more of them than there really are.

  8. Global warming kills a lot of people during summer see here

  9. You could look at viewer/reader figures for trash and balanced media.

    You know what I'm talking about.

  10. Such numbers only matter to those who are swayed by popular opinion.  Since the AGW camp is depending on such people to bolster its clout, no such numbers will be published in the mainstream media.

  11. The price of water front property still continues to climb, which is a strong indicator that most do not believe the predictions of global warming, or at least the ones with money.

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