
Someone spat in my face the other day because i was rude to them what could i have done legally?

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can i make citizens arrest how much force can be used




  1. You can legally learn a lesson that being rude to people has consequences.

  2. Minimum force. Citizen's arrest is fraught with danger unless you know the law very well.

    You would be better advised to call a constable and let him deal with it.

  3. Not be rude, you got off light, in LA they might have shot you.

  4. That could be classified as assault.

  5. It's no big deal, although illegal. It's a good job they were not chewing tobacco at thew same time.

  6. It is considered assault.  You could have called the police.  Doubt they would have done much, but you could have taken the police statement to civil court.

  7. I think if I were you I would just go home and tell my Mommy, she can take care of everything.

  8. learn a lesson about being rude...and be glad they didnt choose to use a knife or something! (these days, it pays not to be too rude to people!)

  9. You can take them to small claims court for harassment, assault with bodily fluid, and slander. I would consult legal action if you wanted to pursue it that far. But, honestly, just let it go and move on. Stay away from that person and try to curb your attitude.

  10. I don't believe citizens arrests are always very successful as it depends on whether you are trying to arrest someone who is smaller and willing to cooperate with you or not.

    You can have them for assault it to the police.

  11. How about not being rude in the first place.  

  12. Thank that person for showing you how rude you were. Then move on with your life. Make the attempt to curb your rudeness.

  13. If you tried a citizens arrest you would probably get your *** kicked. By the way why don't you just use the experience as a lesson to quit being rude to people. Remember this isn't just your world, you share it with others. And if you want to be rude expect it back to you ten fold. And for the record the cops wouldn't do anything about it. I hate people like you, you offend people for a reaction, then when you get one you cry about it. If you where rude to me I would beat your ***!!!!

  14. nothing. Try not to be rude next time.

  15. If you really wanted to pursue it, you should have just called your local police department and filed a report.  Then, asked what measures would be taken to resolve the issue, if any.  

  16. take your face to the cops and let them take a photo of it and post it on thier myspace page.

  17. So you can dish it, but can't take it? Don't you have a bigger brother you can run back to and ask him to beat them up?

  18. Nothing now.

    Stop being rude would help.

  19. knocked them the f*ck out

  20. well you were rude to them so do you really expect that they should have been nice to you?  

  21. perhaps retain some saliva as dna evidence. you can still file a report in any case.

  22. Legally, it would be hard to make a case unless you contracted some sort of illness from the saliva and could prove that you contracted it from the spitter.  You could have a little un with them though.  Wipe the spit off with your finger and suck it off your finger.  Act like it really turned you on and ask for more.

  23. Given them a good kicking.

  24. Consider yourself lucky.  If you are rude to the wrong person, you will get shot.

  25. Depending on the Laws in your area, you could have theoretically had assualt charges laid on them.  Furthermore, they'd be required to submit to tests to look for any infections/diseases that they could have potentially spread to you.

    With that being said, if you've been spit on someone, I recommend seaking medical attention and requesting a screening test for any possibly transferred diseases.

  26. Here's an idea, don't be rude to people and they won't spit in your face.


  27. No offence, but don't you think the police have bigger things to be worried about?

    ....... then again......

  28. when someone spit in your face it is an insult,they could have done worst,so thank your lucky were rude and paid the price..if you were to do something now it will be blown out of proportion,you cannot arrest this person...but you could get even nicely...good luck..  

  29. I would say it was a good lesson learned. Live with it.

  30. You could have filed an assault charge against them. But you are better off just not being rude to people. You probably deserved what you got, and your probably lucky they didn't smack you in the head.  

  31. Urm, my answer would depend on how rude you were to them, having said that spitting in someones face is not the thing i would do, as for what can you do.., well where is the evidence, any whitneses??, if not then nothing, lesson to be learned, dont be rude!!

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