
Someone stole my wallet! What can I do?

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Someone stole my wallet with 450 dollars in it, my social security card, my ID and license. What can i do? I don't have a bank account and i had to carry all my stuff in my wallet because I am out of town. How can i get it back or at least make sure no one steals my identity?




  1. Well the best thing to do is get a new one concerning SScard, your ID and license. There is no guarantee that nobody will steal your wallet esp. you are just riding in buses or a public utility vehicles. Never mind the 450 dollars in it, money can be replaced in some future time but of course not identification items such as ID and other stuff you have in there. So it is very important always make sure that you avoid crowded places esp. bus station.

    SO WHATELSE to do but get a new set of SScard plus ID and license. Nobody can use your SScard at least and pretend they are you when infact you are not them, informed these institution that you lost your ID and make a police report if possible these incident that you say somebody will steal your identity, you can present a police report that someone stole them sometime ago. Just for preliminary precaution on your part.

  2. so many stupid people carry everything in their wallets now a days! cant understand why!

    all their cards which they wont even use.

    do what i do, take things like cash with you that you need for the purpose.if you have to go far "hide" your money elsewhere on your person or take travellers cheques.

    ring up your banks and cancel all the cards and the DVLA and social security  

  3. Sko was right on, plus i would sign up for a credit report site, to make sure if someone is s******g around with your identity you can try to stop it before they go to far.

  4. I think you've had it. Someone else will have taken off with your identity and stolen your life.

    Change your name and start again.

  5. You need to contact the police and let them know that there was a theft. You need to contact social security as well as any credit card companies you hold cards for.

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