
Someone stole something, and I know who did it.?

by  |  earlier

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So in my computers class, we got new computers this year. The old ones were moved into storage.

A few days ago, my teacher was absent, and a student that I do not know the name came into the class, told the substitute that he could switch a new computer with an old one, and then took the new one out of the room somewhere. I don't know where he took it.

My problem is, some of my classmates and I have told the teacher we saw him do it (because he did it during our class). I didn't realize I would be taken to the office and told to pick him out of a yearbook.

I've seen the kid around school before, and he's a good kid. I do know his name now, because I found him in the yearbook, but I am supposed to tell the school on monday. I'm not sure though if I want to rat him out.

I really doubt he could have taken the whole tower out of the school without being caught, so it's probably still in school somewhere, maybe in a different classroom.

Should I tell the school who it is?




  1. is this gang related?ide watch my own kid.they want answers let them find out.tell them to get the teacher to look at the book of picts,why you got to lay your bug on the line.GO FISH.

  2. tell the teacher.

  3. No turning back now.

  4. That's pretty weird that he would tell the sub that and then the sub allow him to take it, what was up with that? And was the sub questioned? I don't really understand. The whole class saw it? You've already told that you saw who it was so you should go ahead and tell his name but also tell them what you said here that he is a good kid and there is surely some explanation but I don't feel like we have the whole picture.

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