
Someone tells me that life is too short to be boring. Why do they think of that?

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Why is life too short to be boring?




  1. Life is NOT too short, I mean sure when we get old it feels like everything happened super quickly but that doesn't mean that it did.

    Inevitably, we all get bored a lot of the time and when we are bored life moves slowly, and feels extremely long.  Yet any experience viewed in the narrow window of our minds seems extremely short.  Just because our past can be seen and experienced very quickly in our minds, doesn't mean the time spent was short.

    So while we shouldn't be bored, and we should use every minute to it's fullest we don't and it's all but impossible to do so.  If you aren't bored sometimes than you are probably just distracted, it doesn't mean you are actually engaged fully in what you are doing.

    So if time flows like water in the river and we are a passenger on a raft progressing through time... in a perfect moment the water is frozen and everything pauses, in a completely boring moment the water looks like it's flowing in reverse and time seems extremely slow.. but when we look at the past we forget how the water has flowed to bring us to our current position, we only see that the moment has arrived and everything before is incomprehensible..

    I know that sounds like a load of bull, but I think it makes some sense, even if the imagery isn't so good..

  2. Life is short compared to how long some people wish it would be.

  3. When your 73 you will know the answer, just why we need to elect McCain.

    We learn the lessons of life through the experience of living, How much more is there to learn in eternity. What is the level of knowledge between 47 and 73

  4. If I did whatever I wanted to I would never be bored. If I weren't afraid of the consequences I would do whatever I wanted to. If there were not some horrible consequences hanging over my head I would not be afraid. My life is a knife's edge between survival and disaster. If you are walking a high wire between two skyscrapers and you could fall to your death at any time, you would have to be insane to be bored. Or maybe just blind to your real situation.

    So if somebody uses the briefness of existence to avoid being boring, that makes perfect sense. I believe that only ignorant people are ever bored.

  5. I think the same. Time tends to go by quick. And if you're sitting a round not doing nothing with your life, when you finally realize that you've done nothing you'll regret it, and you'll see how much time flew by. I hope you get what I'm saying!

  6. i dont get your ? and do you mean what do you think of that?

  7. I guess what the person meant was that you should appreciate life while you still can before it slips away y'know?

    And they probably think that because life is short and indeed very fragile... too many of us are caught up with obtaining material wealth other than being 'rich' spiritually - no one stops to savor the little things in life no more.  

  8. life is too short, but hardly boring. you should read the book "Evasion". it changed my view on this poor world.  

  9. They think life in it's simplicity is boring because they have forgotten how to look at life and how to live. They have become jaded and think that their experiences that they hold onto is their life, when life is really in the here and now, and if they can't see the here and now, then life is boring to them.

  10. This is the stupidest question...PLZ come with another....

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