
Someone that I know took 1500mg of Tylenol (3 pills). Is this safe?

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100 pounds, 5 foot 4. Took 3 pills by accident. Will this be OK?




  1. As a one-time deal, it's safe but pointless. 1500 mg won't work any better than 1000.

  2. Your friend took 1500mg/45kg == 33mg/kg

    This is significantly less than the acute LDLO or LD50 for tylenol (150mg./kg or 300mg/kg, respectively), so imminent death is unlikely.

    However, tylenol has some potentially interesting chronic effects, detailed in the Wikipedia entry for Acetaminophen.  If your friend is routinely taking 1000mg you may want to watch for signs of liver damage.

  3. Yes. The daily limit for Tylenol is 4000 mg. Anything more and you are at risk for immediate liver damage.

  4. yes, this dose is within safety limit, u can take up to 4000 gm of Tylenol (8 pills) a day.

    Overdose may cause liver damage. In case of overdosage, you should contact your nearest hospital immediately even if no symptoms manifest.

  5. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    Yes they should be OK as long as they do not do any activities

    Make sure you check on them and make sure they do not get stomach  irritation.

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