
Someone threatened to break down my computer over aim?

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My younger brother was on my computer (hes 13) and he was talking to one of his 'friends' over aim, then his friend threatened to totally s***w up my system, just because my younger brother clicked on a link, is that even possible? I'm protected (fulll coverage) by Norton 360 and if so, can I sue?




  1. Call the FBI

  2. nothing can happen just dont click on strange links cause there could be  keyloggers in them

  3. somebody who threat a 13 year old boy like that? and you too?


  4. Lol OMGSH.. idk, but if that is just that simple and possible.. that sux big time!

  5. Maybe, maybe not. What if the link had an unknown virus, that anti-virus softwares barely know about? And then it would delete everything. And I doubt a simple reboot can fix that...

    Common sense is useful nowadays....

    BTW you dont even have a nice firewall. And Avast is way better than the others! It scans everything!

    If you think this is not enough, try this combination:

    Avast Home Edition+SpybotS&D+Comodo Memory Firewall+Comodo Firewall+(behavioral based antivirus)Threat Fire+Common sense?

  6. I doubt he can do c**p to your computer. I know a lot of 13 year old who try to scare people by claiming "I can hack you" and other rubbish when all they can do is toy with a hex editor like little script kiddies.

  7. If he is threatening this he probably can't do it. Report the threat to AIm and the police, this is treated very seriously now.

  8. He's just letting off childish steam, you have your Norton so don't worry about it.

  9. if you have a norton 360 it will protect your PC from viruses etc but tell your brother to watch who he speaks to cause all one person needs to hack your system is your computers IP address and if they are a hacker they can get it easy if people are not carefull anyway i wouldnt be worried over it cause if your pc gets a virus just get a virus scan on it and you will be fine and yes you can sue under the computer missuse act and the data protection act if his friend is trying to hack your system for any personal information you have on your PC

  10. I had to laugh when I read this, because of the suing part. While it is possible to inflict harm on a computer by simply using a link, it is (99% chance) only temporary. A quick reboot would most likely undo any "damage" caused by the "assailant". Norton may or may not catch the link and detect it as a threat, but one thing is certain, you have no right to sue - lose the American mentality. :)

  11. Yes, I'm sorry but it is very possible even with any anti-virus it is. Yes you can sue but only if you have proof that he's messing with your system. Try to be more careful and if I were you I would back up my system ASAP. Although it is very hard and the "friend" has to be very skilled in order to do so. So I can safely assume that the friend is bluffing.

  12. One thing you need to know is that just because you have antivirus protection, such as Norton, and Mcafee doesn't mean someone can't send you virsues. Norton is S**T and so is Mcafee. So to answer your question, I don't think any system is bullet proof from viruses. So yes your brothers friend can send you S**T to F**K up your system. I have a friend that told me to download this program "AVAST." I figured it was like any other. I downloaded it and ran it, and it found several trojan viruses. Yes, viruses that Norton should have protected my computer from. AVAST is free. go to because Norton 360 is what I have does not provid 100% protection. Hope I helped.

  13. stop worrying. he probably doesn't have any clue of how to break down your system.

  14. Don't worry. He probably won't easily break down your system. I mean it's not easy to do so, unless he's a genius.

    But if he if he does, he's a genius. Then you can sue him. But the kid's probably just bluffing.

    Just make sure you have a safe system. Just know that people can still break down your computer, if it is not protected.


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