
Someone told me lettuce & green leafy veggies have nicotine in that true?

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Someone please tell me if lettuce has nicotine in it. Thanks




  1. I know that eggplant has nicotine in it, but I've never hear of any other vegetable having it. There are only trace amounts in eggplant, so don't worry about it. I've never heard of anyone with a eggplant addiction.

  2. I saw on T.V. once the fruit called Tomacco, part tomato - part tobacco, is that what you are thinking about?

  3. Members of the nightshade family-- tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco (of course) do have some nicotine. It's usually only trace amounts. Lettuce is not nightshade. If you want to stay up nights worrying, this is the least of your problems. That's small potatoes (which incidentally contain Solanine-- which can be deadly in small doses) compared to numerous other toxins we get from other sources. Many fish have mercury. Spinach has a chemical which prevents you from absorbing iron and calcium. Plenty of things have arsenic. Pesticides are everywhere. The list goes on.

    Feel better?

  4. Wild lettuce has a opiate like drug in it, not nicotine.  Modern lettuce has had it bred out.

  5. Nicotine is found in some vegetables, because it occurs in the nightshade family of plants - and potatoes, tomatoes, and I believe eggplants have small amounts of nicotine. But nicotine is most prevalent in tobacco - and that's what cigarettes have in them.

    Dark leafy greens are not a part of the nightshade family, so they do not have nicotine in them. I am sure people have tried to smoke every leafy thing out there but there's really no point.

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