
Someone told me that Gamestop will buy games and consoles from people is this true?

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I have this Nintendo DS Lite that is in very good shape that only was used a few times it does have a few minor scratches and all it is doing is collecting dust so I want to sell it but NOT on the internet. I want to get back at least $85.00 but with the game I want to get back $100.00. Do you have any ideas of where I can sell the DS (the internet is NOT an option).




  1. well your ds is not gonna sell for much... gamestop will probably give you 60 in store credit and 20% less in cash so you wont be lookin at much... if none of your friends will buy it, your out of luck my friend...

  2. game stop will buy your games and your DS, but I do not know how much they give you for them. Perhaps best idea is to call them and find out.

  3. yes its true

    but u will not get what it is worth

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