
Someone told me that tylenol has a smal dose of cocaine in it so if you snort it you get high. was i tricked?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if crushing up and snorting two tylenol will do somethngor just hurt my nose. im retarded so help me out. (no haters.)




  1. yes you were tricked

    and snorting tylenol will just hurt your nose.

  2. You know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary.

  3. yes you were tricked...sometimes cocaine is cut with baby aspirin or tylenol.  If it's pure cocaine which is really rare in some places it won't be.  Trust me I used to do a lot of S**t back in the day mainly weed and coke and some of the coke I did was cut like that or with ether.....but there's no coke in tylenol it could just be the other way around.

  4. No cocain in tylenol.

    But have you already  snorted a crushed up tylenol, or did you ask before you did it?

    Hey, why are you looking for cocain in tylenol anyway????

    Also, I once tricked some one into snorting a crushed up sweet tart. It was pretty funny :)

  5. Don't damage your body, or give it drugs it doesn't need.

    You have to take care of your body, and your body has to take care of you for the rest of your life.

    BE SMART!!

  6. That has to be the most ridiculous myth I have heard yet.

  7. tylenol doesn't have cocaine.

    now some tylenol  (tylenol 3,4)  has codeine,  maybe that's what they meant.

    no, you can't snort that either.

  8. No it does not. DON'T DO IT. Yes you were tricked. And yes, it will hurt your nose. It wasn't meant to be snorted.

  9. They were lying, thats totally wrong.

  10. There is no cocaine in Tylenol. However, its active ingredient is an opiate compound called acetaminophen. Cocaine is also an opiate which means they are in the same family of chemicals and the most likely source of the misconception.

    As for snorting Tylenol, DO NOT. Like everyone else has said, it will just hurt your nose and not do anything pleasant.

  11. U wuz punked.

  12. ayte there is no cocaine in tylenol

    it is possible to get high, of medical overdose

    so if your trying to get high take an overdose of


    PS. illegal haha

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