
Someone used bluetooth to use my phone bill and now i have over 2k billed me do I HAVE TO PAY THIS?

by  |  earlier

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i had no warning that my bill was above my usual rate. i got a bill for £1800 now i have legal costs added. i didnt make any premium rate calls that they say the bill is for!




  1. You have to pay

  2. Your only getting out of this if you can prove your innocence.

    All these companies care about is money.

    Good luck...

  3. the bill says it all

  4. Oh hey, umm just a wild-assed guess here.  

    Think maybe you have such a huge bill because your idiot husband gave out all your information and phone numbers in a fake lottery scam a month ago???;...

  5. Oh dear,

    You are going to have to pay you could try asking for a reduced bill but your not "entitled" to one.

    This can be stopped by forcing you phone to ask a pin number of any bluetooth devices it connects to or by hiding the phone in the settings.

    For an £1800.00 bill who ever has done this to you must have been sat within a few feet of you for a long time. (even at £5.00 a minute that's 6 hours) and on thinking about it, my phone battery would be dead long before the 6 hours was up!)

    Hope this helps?

  6. Is this possible?? anyways..if u have gotten ur billed u can check on the numbers that were called of and possibly can trace who used ur phone. In other way u can also turn off ur phone's bluetooth so others might not be able to detect ur phone. if they have used bluetooth u were also informed by ur phone that  other devices were trying to access ur phone.Ths way u cud cancel it or accept it so probably  someone had done this on ur phone without ur consent.

  7. You need to get legal advice immediately if you want any chance of having this bill reduced, or even just put on hold while it's properly investigated.

    The phone company will have records that show where your phone was when any calls were made. At the very least you should ask the phone company to pinpoint the cells the calls were made from. That should help narrow down where your problem is (someone in your local, at work or college, wherever).

    How do you know bluetooth was used? It's unlikely but a forensic scientist specialising in mobile phone technology may be able to prove that your phone was bluejacked at the time the calls were made.

    Are you in the habit of leaving your phone lying around unattended at work, college, wherever? Someone may be using it while you are away.

    A final possibility is that someone may have cloned your SIM. The information from the phone company may help you identify this. The IMEI will be different but the phone number will match. Hopefully the cells the calls were made from will not be where you were at the time - and you may be able to prove cloning beyond doubt if you find two calls from two different cells so far apart that it is physically impossible to get from one to the other in the time difference between the calls.

    Added: Another VERY remote possibility (one I detected at a New Delhi mobile phone company many years ago) is that the IT staff operating the  switches and billing systems may have gained access to the call detail records and altered them. Don't even go down this route as accusing your mobile phone company of this will pi$$ them off big time. You want their cooperation.

    Good luck!

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