
Someone was test driving our car and ran through some water, the engines is now totaled. our insurance company

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will not cover anyone that is not on our policy and his insurance wont cover our car. a new motor is 8000. this happened in tim hortons parking lot during a rain storm, a worker at tim hortons said their drains were slow.




  1. There's no question here.

    Your insurance won't cover it, his insurance won't cover it.  Looks like you have to buy a new engine.  Sounds like you got a "do it yourself" auto insurance policy, and eliminated the agent.  

    Horton's not responsible, if that's what you're asking.  It's dumb, dumb, dumb to drive a car through a puddle, when you don't know how deep it is.  You could try to sue this guy who was test driving it.  You'll probably win.   Don't know if you'll ever see any money, though.

  2. You must go after the person that was "test" driving the car. The question the insurance company is asking, "Was this person a qualified service technician, or just anybody you let drive it? Insurance will decline a claim if there was no justifiable reason for someone other than you driving.

  3. It is hard to believe that your policy says they will not cover anyone not listed on your policy.  If it is true, Why didn't you know about this ?  If you knew, Why did you let someone drive your car?

    How could an engine be ruined by driving thru water in a parking lot?  How could a replacement cost $8,000.00 ?   Makes no difference if the drains were clogged.  That doesn't relieve the driver for being stupid.

  4. Ok, get a second quote for one thing. 8000 is too much to ask for that. You could get it for 4000 easy. And thats with labor. You need to ask a smaller shop instead of a dealership or that rip off place. I'ld replace it for 8000 lol. Anyways, If the guy wanted to buy it , sell it for less or change insurance and keep it for 6 months then claim on it. Yea thats illegal, Im just giving options, you do as you wish. However you can  get it cheaper.

  5. Apparently something else has happened because driving through water will not total your engine.  Also, your insurance policy probably does exclude people that drive your car that are not listed on your policy.  Mine does the same.  All I can say from similar experience is have suck it up and have your insurance policy cover the damage to your vehicle if you want to drive it again.  Obviously, your insurance rate is going to increase because the official police report would have you at fault for the accident.  Either way, you can fixe it out of your own pocket and no worry about an insurance rate increase due to an "accident" or you can report it as an accident and suffer the insurance rate increase of being at fault for the accident.  In either case, a new engine for today's cars will not cost you $8000.  However, the labor for the replacement will probably run you more than $3000 plus the cost of the engine.

  6. Yea thats a bunch of bull the insurance company is telling you. If you have full coverage your covered legally if you give permission for somebody to drive your car. I know motors can cost between $2000-$20,000 depending on if it was a Ford Focus or a BMW M3 lol

  7. what? it rains outside, how did it just ruin the engine? if they ran it into a HUGE pool of water, you lost more then your engine

  8. Probably best to have a rest.looks like you can get some ideas here.

  9. The insurance company is trying to s***w you.

    Your policy covers anyone you give permission to drive your car unless the policy SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES them.

    The policy would have to say "this policy does not cover anyone other than the insured".  I doubt the policy says that.

    If necessary, get an attorney. But first, call the insurance company and tell them you're going to get an attorney. They'll change their tone.

    By the way, HIS insurance policy has a liability clause that DOES cover your car if your insurance company won't pay the damages.

    I'm beginning to think you really do need an attorney.

    Final note: Tim Hortons is in no way responsible. They can turn their parking lot into a lake if they want to. The moron driving the car didn't use due caution.

    - Stuart

  10. wait wut?

    how do you  drive through a puddle of water  and total a car?


      or did  he drive  the car into a lake

  11. $8,000 for a new motor? What were they driving a Battleship? Most new motors are no more than $3,000

    Sounds like someone is scamming you.

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