
Someone who is my biggest fan???

by Guest64897  |  earlier

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ok...thers this girl at school..she talks so much **** about me...and makes the stupidest rumors...she constantly has to talk to my friends and ask about my life....and when she finds out something she tells the whole freaking school...its ridiculous..last year she wanted a truce and i said sure..then this year shes at it sick of it....

im not the fighting i don't know what to do...i want to tell her off..but when i look at her face i feel like running away..firstly because shes ugly has heck...(im not saying it out of anger she is) and shes really fat...

i just don't know what to sick of it....

its like what the question know celebrities??? how you want all there info??? thats how she is




  1. ugh... you know what... I know it can be really really annoying but I bet alot of the other girls are saying the exact same thing (that she's a gossip girl)... it would help to just ignore her... just plainly ignore her then tell your school's principal or a teacher because that's a form of bullying

  2. wow. she's jealous i have the same problem

  3. Well in this case it sounds like shes a bully trying to make herself feel better. Shes obviously jelous of you so keep on doing what your doing and make sure she knows it doesnt bother u!!

  4. I think she really likes you and admires you, but unfortunately does not have the social skills or courage to approach you or befriend you in an appropriate way.  If you meet with her privately and discuss healthy boundaries for your relationship and her behavior, you may be surprised at the results.  Caution, this may take several meetings with her to build trust and a rapport.

    She sounds very attention seeking, needy and probably thinks she is gaining popularity through gossiping about your life experiences with others.  See if she is able to keep harmless secrets, after you offer her friendship and direct contact with you, to test her change in behavior.  

    Telling her off or ignoring her will cause further alienation and more problems.  I know your frustrated, but she doesn't know how to act, you need to teach her.  She is not a bully, just socially ignorant and lonely.  Set a good example and try to be a good influence.  Be a leader who may have a possible life changing effect on a needy individual.

  5. wow, that's tough. I've been there and i feel your pain. How I deal with this type of thing is try to see what's going on in her life? She probably has self confidence problems because she is ugly and fat. My guess is she's taking it out on you and it makes her feel better when she sabotages you. If you're nice to her, it WILL shock her. I've found that out. Just don't go down to her level. Be happy with who you are and be the better person. I'll pray for you and her. Good luck and if you need any more help you can connect with me.

  6. punch her in her face but pull fast before her fat sucks you in or your her/his lunch

  7. go to an adult. if u dont want to fight or stand up for yourself than have a teacher or parent do it for you. it cant be worse than all those rumors being spread around.

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